


2020-03-22 | 今日のニュース


・原油2週間で40%急落、WTI $22.53, Brent $27.20






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サウジアラビアを危うくする二人の王子:皇太子と石油相 (下)

2020-03-21 | その他






 一方、アブドルアジズ石油相の原油の大幅増産及び値引き販売と言う賭けは、新型コロナウィルス問題を契機とする世界的不況が目前に迫り極めて不利な状況にある。 賭けが裏目に出る可能性は小さくない。ただサウジアラビアの石油政策はムハンマド皇太子が決定しており、アブドルアジズは操り人形に過ぎないのも事実である。従って石油政策が失敗した場合のつけはムハンマドに戻ってくるが、賭けの一義的な責任者はあくまで石油相である。








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2020-03-21 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

3/15 Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco reports strong 2019 results despite difficult macro environment



3/16 ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil Evaluating Significant Near-Term Capital and Operating Expense Reductions



3/16 OPEC

IEA Executive Director and OPEC Secretary General discussed the current situation in global oil markets



3/17 Total

UK: Total Makes a New Gas and Condensates Discovery in the North Sea  



3/19 石油連盟

月岡 石油連盟会長定例記者会見配布資料


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2020-03-20 | 今日のニュース





・19日は各国の景気テコ入れ策を好感、4年ぶりの底値脱する。Brent $26.98. WTI $23.81


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サウジアラムコと五大国際石油企業の2019年業績比較 (1)

2020-03-19 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績

 サウジアラビアの国営石油会社Saudi Aramco(以下アラムコ)の昨年の業績が発表された。アラムコは世界最大の産油量を誇り、昨秋株式の一部が国内市場(Tadawul)に公開されたばかりである。投資家に対する情報提供を目的に今回2019年の年間財務諸表が公開されたが、その概要は以下のとおりである。


 本稿ではアラムコのプレスリリース及び財務諸表に現れた数値の中から、石油・ガス生産量、純利益、売上、税引前利益(EBITDA)、資産・負債(貸借対照表)等を取り出し、Shell, ExxonMobil, BP, Total及びChevronの五大国際石油企業(所謂International Oil Companies、以下IOC)の業績と比較検討したものである。IOCの昨年の業績は各社の下記URLを参照ください。





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2020-03-18 | 今日のニュース










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Two Princes who endanger the Kingdom (1)

2020-03-18 | その他

(Arabic Version)
(Japanese Version)
March 2020



There are two active princes in Saudi Arabia. They are Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Petroleum Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman. Their father is King Salman, but they are half-brother of different mothers. Muhammad bin Salman, so-called MbS, was born in 1985. He is younger than Abdul Aziz bin Salman who was born in 1960. MbS, King’s favorite son, is now the de facto ruler of the Kingdom.
(See genealogy of King Salman: http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/3-1-7.pdf)

Two princes are gambling on the future of the Kingdom. Prince Mohammed gambles on his regime by charging other royal families with treason. Oil Minister Abdul Aziz gambles on oil market without the cooperation of Russia. Despite the apparent deterioration in the world economy and a decline in oil consumption due to the new coronavirus infection, Prince Abdul Aziz ordered to increase oil production aiming to defeat the rivals. Now Saudi Arabia is going to play death match with shale gas and oil producing companies in US. Bets by two princes are extremely risky. If they lose the game, not only their positions will be jeopardized, but also the Saud family and Saudi Arabia itself will be in terrible situation.

Part 1. Crown Prince gambles on his regime

On February 6, three US big newspapers, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the New York Times and Bloomberg, reported the arrest of the members of royal family in Saudi Arabia. They are Prince Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz and two sons of late Prince Naif, Prince Muhammad and Prince Nawaf. Prince Ahmed is the younger brother of King Salman. Late Prince Naif was elder brother of King Salman. It means that they are an uncle and cousins of Muhammad bin Salman respectively. Salman, Ahmad and Naif are famous as Sudairi Seven Brothers whose mother was Princess Hassa Sudairi. The eldest son was Fahd who was the fifth king of Saudi Arabia. The second son was Sultan who was the Crown Prince during the reign of the former King Abdullah. Naif succeeded Crown Prince after the death of Sultan. Five of the seven brothers have already passed away. King Salman and Prince Ahmad are only two survivors.
(See genealogy of King Abdul Aziz and his wives: http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/3-1-3.pdf )

Newspapers reports that the reason for the detention was treason and princes were now under house arrest. No follow-up report is available so far. However, nobody believes that Crown Prince Muhammad has nothing to do with the arrest. Crown Prince is now the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, it is not exaggeration that his power politics has brought troubles and terrors in the Kingdom.

Civil war in Yemen brought the trouble in soundness of Kingdom’s finance system. The mass arrest of royal members and powerful business person in charge with corruption in 2017 spoiled the credibility of MbS in domestic society. The murder of Mr. Khashoggi, reporter of Washington Post at the Saudi consulate of Istanbul in Turkey in 2018 worsened the honor of the Kingdom in the international society . The reputation of the Crown Prince has fallen on the ground at home and abroad. Vision 2030, the flagship project of Crown Prince, is stagnant now . The listing of Aramco in the overseas market is uncertain. Decline in oil prices might led to a financial crisis. Economic problems have piled up in the Kingdom. (The problem of oil prices will be mentioned in the next paragraph.)

This is not the first time that Crown Prince Mohammad arrests royal family members. In 2017, Prince Alwaleed, a famous billionaire and a cousin of MbS, and Prince Mitteb, a son of the former King Abdullah, were arrested in charge with corruption. It was reported that Prince Alwaleed paid $ 6 billion on bail. Prince Mitteb was fired from the Commander of National Guard. Most of the suspects including two princes were released before the trial. There was no doubt that the government dealt with suspects. The National Guard, which was the militia of the former King Abdullah, has been merged into the regular army. Crown Prince Mohammad is the Defense Minister. MbS monopolized military powers.

Prince Ahmed had been deputy interior minister until 2012 when his elder brother Naif was its minister. He never appeared on the surface of politics afterwards. But in 2018 when he stayed in London, he appeared on Western TV and criticized the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the Yemeni civil war. King Salman and Prince Muhammad got angry very much, and Prince Ahmed was about to be unable to return to the Kingdom for two and half months. Finally, he was allowed to return home with his apology. He kept low profile since then. Prince Muhammad bin Naif served as Crown Prince under King Salman from 2015 to 2017. But he was dismissed in June 2017 and replaced Prince Muhammad bin Salman, the son of King Salman.

There is one major difference between two royal arrests in 2017 and 2020. Princes detained in 2017 were the sons of prince Talal and The former king Abdullah. Salman, Talal and Abdullah had different mother, and they were half-brother each other. In other words, Crown Prince Muhammad and detained two cousins has different grandmother. In 2020 case, however, Crown Prince Muhammad and two cousins share the same grandmother, Hassa Sudeiri.

It looks like that MbS convict his relatives regardless of half- or full-blood if they threaten the status of himself or his father, King Salman. There is no sanctuary to eliminate political enemies in his politics. There will be no mercy for fear politics by MbS.

(To be Continued----)

By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: Arehakazuya1@gmail.com


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2020-03-16 | 今日のニュース







・サウジアラムコ決算発表、利益世界一の882億ドル。 *











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サウジアラビアを危うくする二人の王子:皇太子と石油相 (中)

2020-03-16 | 今日のニュース



Part 2. アブドルアジズ石油相の賭け

 3月5日、オーストリアのウィーンでOPEC臨時総会が開催された。前年12月の総会及びそれに続くロシアなど非OPEC産油国、いわゆるOPEC+(プラス)との会合で、それまでの日量120万バレル(B/D)の減産量を今年3月までさらに50万B/D上乗せし170万B/Dとすることが決定されている。因みにサウジアラビアは40万B/Dを自主減産すると表明、合計で世界の原油生産量の2%に相当する210万B/Dが市場から消え、OPEC+は石油価格のさらなる上昇を目論んだのである 。


 このためサウジアラビアはOPEC+による減産強化が避けられないと判断、従来の210万B/Dに加え、さらに150万B/Dの追加減産を提案した。OPEC加盟国が100万B/D、ロシアなど非OPEC国が50万B/Dを分担するという案である。5日のOPEC総会ではサウジアラビアの提案通り6月末まで150万B/Dの追加減産を実施することを公式発表した 。奇妙なことには同じ日に減産を年末までとする第二のプレスリリースが発表されたのである 。OPEC総会後にプレスリリースが二度も発表されるのはかつてないことでありOPEC事務局の混乱の様相がうかがえる。一連の決定にはOPECの盟主サウジアラビアの事実上の権力者ムハンマド皇太子の意思が反映されていることは間違いなく、アブドルアジズ石油相が皇太子に振り回され、他のOPEC諸国がサウジアラビアに振り回されたと推測される。


 サウジアラビアがOPEC+の事前会合で追加減産のプランを持ち出したとき、ロシアのノバク石油相はプーチン大統領と打ち合わせる必要があるとしてモスクワに一時帰国した。一方、サウジアラビアはノバク石油相の最終確認を得ないまま5日のOPEC総会で今年末までのOPEC+の追加減産を一方的に決定し、公表したのである。ノバク石油相がウィーンに戻ったのは6日のOPEC+会合当日の朝であった。因みに1か月前サルマン国王とプーチン大統領は電話会談で石油市場の安定が必要であると確認している 。アブドルアジズ石油相はOPEC+の会合でロシアがサウジ案を受け入れるものと思い込み、プーチン大統領の本心を読めなかったようである。いずれにしても彼の強引な総会運営と見通しの甘さがOPEC+協調減産決裂の原因であろう。

 OPEC+体制の崩壊に加え、先の見通せない新型コロナウィルス問題が重なり原油価格は30ドル台まで暴落した。中国をはじめ世界の景気回復の兆しが見えない中では原油価格も当分回復の見込みがなさそうである。そのような中でサウジアラビアは顧客向け価格の引き下げ 並びにアラムコの生産能力を1,300万B/Dに引き上げる方針 を打ち出した。サウジアラビアは価格維持のためのスウィング・プロデューサーの役割を捨て、無謀ともいえる180度の政策転換に乗り出した。これらはすべてムハンマド皇太子の意向であろう。今回の一連の動きを見る限りアブドルアジズ石油相は皇太子の意のままに動く単なる操り人形にしか映らない。






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2020-03-14 | 今日のニュース





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