

2021年12月03日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)

20211116日午後130分から、私はFacebookに広告があり、あらかじめ予約しておいたYouTube番組の視聴をしました。タイトルは(野村不動産ソリューションズ 特別講演会2021「コロナ禍を乗り越えて、日本経済が進む道」橋下 徹氏)です。



パソコンを起動しなくても、スマホでYouTube zoomの講演会などを視聴できるので、これからも機会をみて利用したいと思いました。

2021.11.16 From 1:30 p.m., I watched a YouTube program that was advertised on Facebook and that I had reserved in advance. The title is (Nomura Real Estate Solutions Special Lecture 2021: "Overcoming the Corona Disaster and the Way Forward for the Japanese Economy" by Toru Hashimoto).

I had always had a rejection reaction to Mr. Toru Hashimoto. However, I became interested in his lecture, partly because the Japan Restoration Association made a breakthrough in the recent House of Representatives election.

Even though we have different ideological beliefs, I took notes while watching the lecture and found much to learn. Yesterday, I also watched a zoom roundtable discussion of opposition politicians.

Since I can watch YouTube and zoom lectures on my smartphone without having to turn on my computer, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do so in the future.

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