The other day I observed the cigarette vending machine closest to my home, and of the four vending machines, the KENT (a BAT company) machine was loaded with two brands of Amespi, a JT product.
Also, aside from Wakaba and Echo, which are called the old third-grade products, Golden Butte was added, which has a filter, lighter taste, and is packaged in cellophane.
And, as was the case last year, these three brands will see a 30 yen price increase on April 1. If you take your eyes off the market for a moment, you will see subtle changes.
▶︎それから、ホンコンの免税店で買ってきたという「メビウス」には、パッケージの3割以上を占める「警告表示」がなく、ロゴとマークがスカスカしていて、こんなの初めて見ましたよ。Then there was the "MEVIUS" that he bought at a duty-free store in Hong Kong, which lacked the "warning label" that takes up more than 30% of the package, and had a scanty logo and mark, which I've never seen before.