

2012年01月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
◎ 横山大観は写真を撮られるときも、たばこを手放さないほどの喫煙者であったけれども、しからば彼は短命であったのか。明治元年(1868)に水戸で生まれ、昭和33年(1958)に90歳で亡くなっているから、男子の平均寿命を10数年も超えており、長寿の部類であることは間違いない。

◎ ニコチンに依存するような人間は、いい仕事ができないように言われている。物事に集中して取り組むことができなくて、判断に狂いが生じるなどとも中傷される始末だ。しからば、横山大観の筆致や色彩感覚、画面の構成力、デッサン力が劣っており、もし、たばこを止めていればもっと素晴らしい作品を後世に残せた、とでも言うのだろうか。

◎ 竹の葉、柳の葉、杉、松、波などの筆致を観察すると、想像を絶するスピードで筆を走らせていることが理解できるし、雀の乱舞、雁の群の躍動感やユーモラスな雰囲気は、ただ事ではない彼の「集中力と瞬発力」を見る者に強く訴えかけてくる。というわけで、この際、嫌煙権論者の方々やたばこに強い敵意をお持ちの人も、ぜひ、横山大観特別展に足を運んでいただき、たばこの効用について想いを致して欲しい。(2002.2.28)

Yokoyama Taikan was such a smoker that he never gave up his cigarette, even when being photographed.
Was he short-lived, then? ◎ Yokoyama Taikan was born in Mito in 1868 and died in 1958 at the age of 90. He died in 1958 at the age of 90, which is more than a decade longer than the average life expectancy of a male, so he was certainly a man of longevity.
People who are dependent on nicotine are said to be incapable of doing a good job.
People who are dependent on nicotine are said to be incapable of doing good work. They are also slandered as being unable to concentrate on things and making poor decisions. But is it possible to say that Yokoyama Taikan's brushwork, sense of colour, composition and drawing skills were inferior and that if he had stopped smoking, he would have left even better works for posterity?
Observing the brushstrokes on the bamboo leaves, willow leaves, cedar, pine trees and waves, one can understand that the brushstrokes were made at unimaginable speed.
The sparrow's wild dance and the dynamic and humorous atmosphere of the flock of geese strongly appeal to the viewer with his "concentration and spontaneous power", which is anything but ordinary.
So, on this occasion, I would like to invite all those who are anti-smokers or have strong hostility towards tobacco to visit the Yokoyama Taikan Special Exhibition and think about the benefits of tobacco. (28 Feb 2002)
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