読書と旅行の感想記 Impression of reading and travel
テリールーム terryroom
自然と人間の関係 relation between nature and human

Relation between nature and human
Human were a part of nature in ancient times. However, men of today destroy nature in many places in the world. When did human become arrogant and stupid? We are still a part of nature and a kind of living things. We are misunderstanding that we can control nature. The biggest issue for relation between nature and human is world population. I think there is a limitation of the number of population on the earth, infinity number of human can not survive on our earth. The present world population is 6.8 billions and it forecasts to be 9 billions in 2050. Climate change, serious flood and global warming have started because of the world population increase. We should reduce it and give up economy growth and go back to old days and change social mind from today into ancient times. Otherwise, human will receive revenge from nature and god.
The above is my essay for a homework of English intermidiate communication class. We watched a movie about relation between nature and human yesterday, and we were requested to make a essay of our oppinion for it.
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