1051(永承6)年 〈前九年の役〉★★
Earlier Nine Years’ War begins in Mutsu Province. Military campaign is waged against Abe no Yoritoki and his sons.
統合急ぎ 前九年。
1051年 清原氏 前九年の役
Later on however, ABE no Sadato came into conflict with the Imperial Court, and the Abe clan fought a series of battles called "Zen Kunen no Eki" against the suppression forces headed by MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi.
Like Tsunekiyo, Nagahira was a son-in-law of Yoritoki but sided with Yoriyoshi.
One of Yoritoki's daughters had married Tsunekiyo, the aforementioned local ruler of Watari County.
Tsunekiyo of Watari District is said to be a descendant of FUJIWARA no Hidesato (TAWARA no Toda) from the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, and his name appears as 'Tsunekiyo of Mutsu District' in "Zo Kofukuji Ki" (Records of the Construction of Kofuku-ji Temple), which lists the names of the Fujiwara clan who held the court rank equal to or higher than Goi (Fifth Rank).
After FUJIWARA no Narito was appointed Mutsu no kami (Governor of Mutsu Province) in 1051, the Abe clan mobilized barbarians to invade the provincial governorate by crossing the Koromo River (Iwate Prefecture), and defeated the provincial government force in "the Battle of Onikiribe" (the Zenkunen War).
The Imperial Court of Heian-kyo sent MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie in 1051 to antagonize the Abe clan which had a semi-autonomous power in the region, which triggered the 12 years of war in various places of the Tohoku region where the Abe clan fought very hard (Zen kunen no eki [the Early Nine Years' War]).
Although in "Mutsu Waki" there was also a story where he cut the neck of FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo with a dull sword like beating, this is far more savage.
While praising Yoshiie's bravery, the diary also describes the viciousness and vindictiveness of samurai by depicting scenes such as Tsunekiyo's execution in which he was deliberately beheaded using a blunt sword in order to make him suffer.
Tsunekiyo was also captured and decapitated by Yoriyoshi when the Abe clan was destroyed, but his wife (that is, a daughter of Yoritoki) remarried KIYOHARA no Takesada, the first son of KIYOHARA no Takenori who had joined the war with three times as much military power as Yoriyoshi's and so immensely contributed to Yoriyoshi's victory.
On this occasion, Tsunekiyo's son (Yoritoki's grandchild) was brought with the daughter of Yoritoki and adopted by Takesada, and was called KIYOHARA no Kiyohira when he grew up.
Subsequently, MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi, as Mutsu no kami (the governor of Mutsu Province) and Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North), attempted to subdue Yoritoki, but because of a pardon issued by the Imperial Court, Yoriyoshi became submissive by changing his name to ABE no Yoritoki and surrendered.
Additionally, Tsunekiyo married a daughter of ABE no Yoritoki, a member of the local ruling family who controlled Okuroku-gun (six counties in the middle of Mutsu Province) in Mutsu Province, to form a relative alliance with them and took charge of the south side defense of the Abe clan's family territory.
陸奥国(後の磐城国)亘理郡の豪族藤原経清と、安倍頼時の娘の間の子として生まれる(1056年 藤原清衡の誕生)。
He was born as a son of FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo from the local ruling family of Watari County, Mutsu Province (later Iwaki Province), and a daughter of ABE no Yoritoki.
Yoriyoshi provoked ABE no Yoritoki, which led to Abe's uprise to the battle known as the Zenkunen War (the Early Nine Years' War) in 1056.
The Abe clan won the Battle of Koromogawa in 1056 cooperated by FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo, the husband of Sadato's younger sister.
Yet he had become estranged from FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo among others, and this contributed to his total defeat in the battle of Kinomi (the Yellow Sea).
Yoritoki was killed in battle in 1057, and his son, Sadato ABE, was defeated and killed in 1062 either, but the bloodline of ABE no Yoritoki did not die out.
Based on Okuroku-gun County, Mutsu Province (Inland area of Iwate Prefecture), he fought together with his father Yoritoki and his elder brother Sadato against MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi (Zen kunen no eki).
This triggered Tsunekiyo to belong to the Abe clan's camp and prolonged the Zenkunen War (the Early Nine Years' War).
The Abe clan maintained superiority during the most time of the Zenkunen War; however, at the final stage, MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi won the Kiyohara clan over to his side and defeated the Abe clan, and thus the war ended.
He collected one ear from each of the 18,000 heads he beheaded in the Earlier Nine Years' War, dried them and brought them to Kyoto.
With his father and older brother, he fought in the Zen Kunen no Eki (Former Nine Years' Campaign), where his distinguished service led to his appointment to the rank of Uemon no jo (the third ranked official of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards) on March 28, 1058.
However, studies also suggest that although Kiyohara clan was boasting the ironclad solidarity during Zenkunen War period, the discord and frustration against the head of the clan Sanehira was developed within the clan after the Enkyu Ezo War, causing the Gosannen War that led the downfall of Kiyohara clan.
父・経清は前九年の役で源頼義に反旗を翻し安倍氏(奥州)に味方したが厨川の戦いで敗れた安倍氏と最後をともにした。(藤原 清衡.)
In Zen Kunen no Eki (Earlier Nine Years' War), his father Tsunekiyo turned against MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and supported the Abe clan (in Mutsu Province), who lost in the Battle of Kuriyagawa and he also died with them.
It has hitherto been the mainstream to recognize the Abe clan as a local Dogo (powerful family) in the Tohoku region, and to interpret Zen Kunen no Eki (the Earlier Nine Years' War) as a rebellion against the domination over the remote regions by the central government.
In the "Mutsuwaki" (Record of Mutsu), which depicts the events of the Former Nine Years' War and the Latter Three Years' War, Yoriyoshi is described as 'Calm and levelheaded, and excelling in military strategy, he was a commander of the finest caliber' and 'he loved his warriors and was fond of charity.'
At the time of Yorito's son, FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo (Gon no daibu [a provisional master] of the Watari region), the clan managed a shoen (a manor in medieval Japan) in the Watari region, which is the iplication of the expansion of the clan's power.
On this occasion, Tsunekiyo's son (Yoritoki's grandchild) was brought with the daughter of Yoritoki and adopted by Takesada, and was called KIYOHARA no Kiyohira when he grew up.
4 次のa・bの正誤を記せ。
問2 下線a頼朝の祖先が奥羽の地域権力の活動に介人しているに関連して述べた次の文X・Y・Zの正誤の組み合わせのうち、正しいものはどれか。1つ選べ。
X 源頼信は、前九年合戦で活躍した。
Y 源頼義は、安倍貞任を滅ぼした。
Z 源義家は、清原氏の内紛に介入した。
ア X一正 Y一正 Z一正
イ X一正 Y一正 Z一誤
ウ X一正 Y一誤 Z一正
エ X一誤 Y一正 Z一正
オ X一誤 Y一正 Z一誤」
(答:エ ※X×頼信→頼義)〉
問ア 前九年の合戦は、俘囚の長としでその地方で権力を振るっていた安倍頼時らが国司に対して反乱を起こしたのが発端であり、摂関家に仕える軍事貴族であった清和源氏の流れをくむ[ 19 ]がその子とともに平定した。この合戦を素材とする[ 20 ]は、『将門記』とともに中世の軍記物語の源流である。」
(答:19源頼義、20陸奥話記 ※原問には59項の選択肢があり、そのうち源氏は7人)〉
(答:a ※b安倍氏の内紛は前九年合戦の誤り、後三年合戦で勝利したのは子の義家、c源満仲は安和の変で藤原氏に協力して左大臣源高明を密告。藤原純友の乱の鎮圧は源経基、d保元の乱は源義朝(義家の嫡子為家の長男))〉
C.10世紀の前半、日本列島の東西で二つの大きな戦乱がおこった。(オ)坂東(関東地方)と瀬戸内海を舞台におこった承平・天慶の乱とよばれた二つの乱で、乱を鎮圧した勝者とその子孫たちは中央の官人となり、「都の武者」となっていった。清和源氏の頼光は摂関家とつながり受領として活躍していったが、その弟の[ d ]は、11世紀前半に再び坂東でおこった[ e ]の乱で追討使に任じられ、乱を平定したことで坂東に進出する足がかりを得た。そののち、子の頼義が前九年合戦を、頼義の子義家が(カ)後三年合戦を鎮圧したことで、源氏は東国での基盤を固めることになった。
1d.満仲 e.平国香
2d.満仲 e.平忠常
3d.頼信 e.平国香
4d.頼信 e.平忠常
1『将門記』 2『純友追討記』
3『陸奥話記』 4『保元物語』
1 戦乱などの社会不安を背景に、末法思想が民衆の間に急速に広まった。
2 後三条天皇は、荘園の乱立をおさえるため、延久の荘園整理令を発した。
3 東北地方は、清原(藤原)清衡やその子孫が支配する地となった。
4 武士の実力が認められ、宮中を警護する滝口の武士がはじめておかれた。」
【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (古代編)】
【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (中世編)】
【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (近世編)】
【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (近・現代編)】

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