Top 10 Most Famous Kings In History
0:48 #10.Frederick Ⅱ of Prosia 1712-86
1:23 #9.Haile Serasie 1892-1975
overthrown in 1974
2:04 #8.Tutan. c. 1341-23BC
2:44 Peter Ⅰ 1672-1725
Top 10 Most Famous Kings In History
0:48 #10.Frederick Ⅱ of Prosia 1712-86
1:23 #9.Haile Serasie 1892-1975
overthrown in 1974
2:04 #8.Tutan. c. 1341-23BC
2:44 Peter Ⅰ 1672-1725
Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna Austria on November 2nd 1755.
The fifteenth of sixteen children.
Her mother was Empress Maria Tereasa.
a powerful woman respected politician 「尊敬された政治家」
arranged marriages of all her daughters 「すべての娘たちの結婚を整えた」
Although nothing Marie Antoinette's education was prepared to become a queen 「女王になる準備をする」
Her fate was sealded wench 「彼女の運命は決まっていた」
one of Loui sexteen's ministers agreed to consolidate the somewhat fragile French-Austrian alliance. 「ルイ16世の大臣の一人が、いくぶん脆弱なフランスとオーストリアの同盟を固めることに同意する」
And so, on May 16th 1770 at Versaille, Marie Antoinette married Prince Lui Auguste future Loui the 16th.
When she arrived at Versaille, people praised her freshness and beauty.
adjust A to B 「AをBに適応させる」
But the young princess found it difficult to adjust her new life to court gossip.
particuraly (パティキュラリー)「特に」
And particuraly the etiquette(ジ エティケット)and pompous ceremonial (パンパス セレモニアル) inherited(インヘリテッド) from the Lui 14th 「特にエチケットとルイ14世から受け継いだ大げさな儀式」
neglect (ネグレクト)
「怠る」→ neg-「否定」
Neglected by her husband who devoted(デボウテッド) himself to his passions of hunting, navy, geography and mathematics 「狩り、海軍、地理や数学に対する情熱に自分自身を捧げている夫にかまってもらえず」
Marie Antoinette soon found a variety of diversions to overcome her boredom she left the theater, music and art attending at endless round Versaille and Paris.「マリーアントワネットはすぐに退屈を克服するための多くの気晴らしを見つけた。」
In 1774, Loui the sixteenth ascended the throne. (スローン)「1774年、ルイ16世は王座にのぼった」
And at nineteen, Marie Antoinette became Queen of France.
Loui the sixteenth gave her le Petit(プテッ) Trianon.
▲le Petit Trianon(小トリアノン宮殿)
And the state which also became a refuge for the quarter per side.
No one came there unless invited by the young queen who prefer to surround herself with friends chosen for the report rather than the rank which scandalized(スキャンダライズド) the aristocracy.「貴族制度を中傷する庶民(the rank)より選ばれた友人たちに囲まれることを好む女王に招待されない限り誰もそこを訪れはしなかった。
During the summer the King often visited her but never slept there.
give birth to 「産む」
After seven long years, she gave birth to the first of four children, Marie Thérèse known as Madame Royale.「7年もの後、彼女は4人のうちの第一子、マダム・ロワイヤルとして知られるマリー・テレーズを産んだ」
Then came the first prince, who died in childhood.「それから、最初の王子が生まれるが、彼は子どものときに亡くなった。」
future Loui 17th
And finally another who died in infancy.「幼くして亡くなった。」
Nonetheless, Marie Antoinette did not change her way of life. 「にもかかわらず、マリーアントワネットは彼女の生き方を変えなかった。」
spending lavishly ( ラビッシュリィ)on fine clothes, an expensive parties 「いい服、豪華なパーティーに惜し気もなく費やす」
rumor had it she was capricious scatterbrainand and extravagant 「噂では彼女は気まぐれなで慌て者で浪費家だった。」
But she was Queen and one of the best.
At trianon atomoshere was carefree but beyond its keys they were ominous memories
「トリアノンでは雰囲気はのんびりとしていた それらは不吉な」
Austrian woman nicknamed Madam deficit 「赤字夫人とあだ名されたオーストリア女」
But as far as Queen was concerned, nothing and nobody apart from God could call royal power into question. 「しかし女王に関する限り、神以外の何も誰も王室の力に疑問を差し挟むことはできなかった。」
In October 1789, when the royal family was taken by force to Tuileries, it was Marie Antoinette who called upon foreign monarchies to organize a clandestine resistance.
She was assisted by kempt Axel von Fersen a handsome Swedish officer whom she had met 15 years earlier.
Together they planned to escape, which ended in failure at Varennes. 「いっしょに逃げる計画をした、がそれは失敗に終わった。」
Temple prison「タンプル塔牢獄」
Held with her family in the Temple prishe continued to comunicate with world outside「彼女は外の世界と連絡を取り続けた。」
But had to stand by powerless as Loui the sixteenth was guillotined.
She was then transferred to the Concierge and was contend to death.「彼女はそれからコンシェルジュリー(パリの牢獄)に移された。」
9 months after her husband, on October 16th 1793 the guillotoine blade fell and she became a legend 「ギロチンの刃が落ちたとき彼女は伝説になった。」
To excute Marie Antoinette because she was Queen was to see her as the embodiment of the monarchy.
she became its symbol, icon of the history of France amid future generations.
And now mont has made restration work possible.
returning to its previous splendor the house once again looks inhabited as if the Queen had only just left.
Top 10 Conquerors
Conquerors 「征服者」
historically excelled 「歴史的に」
movilization of troops 「部隊を動かすこと」
0:29 eclipse (太陽・月の)食 ここでは動詞で「~を覆い隠す」
eclipse those their contemporaries
#10: Hernan Cortes 1485~1547 「エルナン コルテス」
defeated mighty Aztec empire and laid the groundwork for Spanish control 「強力なアステカ帝国を倒してスペインによる統治の基礎を築いた」
decimated the indigenous people 「多くの原住民を殺した」
introduce diseases 「病気を持ち込んだ」
brilliant strategist 「輝かしい戦略家」
outnumbered 「数でまさった」
#9: Charlemagne 742~814 カール大帝
1:20 slaughter 虐殺する」
1:24 convert 改宗させる」
slautering many who refused to convert including 4500 Saxons at one time 4500人のザクセン人を含む改宗を拒んだ多数を一度に虐殺
Charlemagne カール大帝
20 million people 2千万人の人々
#8 Jurious Caeser
assassinated March 15
#7 Adolf Hitler アドルフ=ヒトラー
determination 「決意」
#6 Termalen ティムール
3:26 brutality 「残酷さ」
#5: Napoleon Bonaparte
#4: Attila the Hun フンのアッティラ
#3: Cyrus the Great キュロス2世
mediterranean sea 「地中海」
#2: Genghis khan チンギスハン
tidal wave of invasion 「侵略の津波」
honorable mension
Ramses Ⅱ ラムセス2世
Hannibal Balca ハンニバル バルカ
Fransisco Pizarro フランシスコ ピサロ
#1: Alexander the Great
conquer 「征服する」
Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that began growing on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along theMediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to become one of the largest empires in the ancient world.
前753年 王政 ロムルス ローマ
At the end of the 18th century, the most glorious kingdom in Europe would face a mighty foe, the power of its own people.
the Concierge prison
3:20 has ordained 「定めた」
3:40 gilded laughter「金ぴかの笑い」
3:45 glittering crowd「ぴかぴか光る群衆」
5:00 shrub「灌木」
9:15 In a lavish ceremony
10:00 ensconce 「身を落ち着かせる、安座させる」
Ensconced in their royal apartment in Versaille Loui and Marry Antoinette begin their new lives.
18:45 promiscuous harlot 乱雑な売春婦
20:50 freakish weather「気まぐれな天気」
25:35 quasi- 「準」
27:00 bastille
30:30 dismantle the past itself 「過去そのものを破壊する」
30:50 despotism 「専制政治」
31:50 muzzled under the old regime 「旧体制のもとで沈黙させられた」
32:45 outlet for his venom 「彼の毒の捌け口」
32:50 malcontent 「造反者」
32:55 funnel 「じょうご」
33:25 lambaste 「~を激しく叱る、酷評する
34:45 pike 「槍」
34:50 grievance 「不平」
35:40 protagonist 「主唱者」
36:45 in grave danger
37:10 decapitate them and stick their heads on pikes 「彼らの首を切り頭部を槍に刺した。」
37:15 like banshee「バンシ―(家人の死を予告すると言われている女の妖精)のように」
37:25 frenzy 「逆上」
37:45 tear her bed to pieces
38:00 storehouse 倉庫」
38:55 Tuiley in Paris
39:00 Versaille is abandoned
39:40 May 1791, it is
40:45 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
Lui had decided by 1791「ルイは1791年までに」
41:00 Tuiley Paris「パリのテュルリー」
41:05 The 21st of June 1791, The King and Queen disguised themselves
41:50 rumor entourage
40:30 (Lynn)
42:25 show no reverence 敬意を表さなかった」
42:45 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
abandon his people
43:40 all remnants of the medieval past
44:00 panoply 「盛大な儀式」
44:10 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
44:32 Journalist Marat
45:17 the national razor
45:23 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
French revolution It’s painless.
46:12 Robespierre argues
46:42 1792 Marry Antoinette
47:08 undermine
47:25 playing a double game 裏表のある行動をとって
48:00 Paris is a tinderbox 「一触即発の場所」
48:25 the 10th of August 1792 thousands of armed
48:33 Brunswick
48:52 French Republic is born
49:00 is christened「使われる」
49:25 August 1792, with the King
50:00 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
50:20 The Sans-Culottes seize control of
50:55 herded into prison
51:03 Robespierre
51:08Gerge Danton
51:15 gregarious and flamboyant 「社交的ではでやかな」
51:35 (Jack Censer-George Mason University)
Robespierre simply cannot
52:23 morass paper will「困らせる」
52:40 (Alan woods- Author In Defense of Marxism)
52:57 In the first week of September disastrous
53:03 Prussia
53:15 sans-culotte
53:25 refractory priest 「手に負えない」
53:30 impromptu trials they were very short and 「即席の裁判」
53:44 mutilated priest 「手足を切られた」
54:00 September massacre 「9月の虐殺」
55:00 there was a time Robespierre
The Gironde
56:05 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
of betraying the country in a time of war. Then the
On the 20th of January 1973
I die
at 10:22 a.m. The King
Jan Paul Marat
58:57pivotal moment 「重要な局面」
59:37 tirade 「長広舌」
59:58 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
1:00:33 Charlotte Corday a passionate and determined woman
(Jack Censer-George Mason University)
Charlotte Corday
1:02:05 revolution has its first murder
1:02:26 1793
1:02:30 bloody atrocities
1:04:15 royal blood
1:05:40 On the 15th of October, Marry
incest 「近親相姦」
her hopes were dashed「彼女の希望は打ち砕かれた。」
1:09:40 September 1993
1:10:04 In a humiliating defeat
1:10:50 bloodbath
Danton and Robespierre
1:11:54 the reign of terror
1:11:59 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
1:13:22 set up the revolutionary tribunal「革命裁判所」
1:13:26 streamline 「合理化する」
1:13:30 new 12 men council
1:13:33 called the Committee of Public Safety
1:13:45 ultimately
1:14:24(David Jordan University of Illinois Chicago)
The revolution has hardened Robespierre one a fear supporter
1:14:36 The Catholic Church
1:15:15 Jacques René
1:16:35 unrelenting brutality
1:16:42 Lyon
1:17:13 the National Razor
1:17:42 Napoleon Bonaparte
1:18:36 Maximillian Robespierre
1:19:11 Republic of Virtue
1:19:30 On the 5th of February 1794 Robespierre gave a speach
1:19:42 disastrous but power without terror is powerless.
1:19:50 others disagree Danton heading down the wrong path
1:20:12 By the spring of 1794
executioner it is worth seeing
1:21:44 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
1:22:05 June 1794
Festival of supreme being 「最高存在の祭典」
1:22:26 with a new rational devotion
1:22:40 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
cult of supreme being
1:23: realm of reality
1:23:42 26 of July insinuate
1:24:50 semi-conscious his jaw shattered Robespierre
As h
1:26:24 On the 27th of July
1:27:18 stagnant Napoleon Bonaparte his meteoric rise
1:27:37 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University) people
1:29:10 fraternity
■ 空所に必要な冠詞を入れよ。不必要なら×を入れよ。
He is not so ( ) dishonest ( ) man as you think.
単語 dishonest〔形〕不正直な
解き方 冠詞は、名詞を修飾する形容詞や副詞の前におかれるのが普通であるが、形容詞や副詞が冠詞の前に出ることもある。such+a[an]+形容詞+名詞=so+形容詞+a[an]+名詞の語順が重要である。soと同じく、as, tooやhoweverなども形容詞+冠詞の前にくる。
●ベック式!英文法暗記術 冠詞の位置
察知関係(かんけい) そう警官。
such+冠詞+形容詞+名詞 = so+形容詞+冠詞+名詞
On the death of King Solomon, the kingdom of Israel is divided into the two part, northern Kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah.
国(くに)二つへと 椅子委ね。
前922年 ヘブライ王国 イスラエル王国 ユダ王国
On the death of King Solomon, the kingdom of Israel is divided into the two part, northern Kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah.
国(くに)二つへと 椅子委ね。
前922年 ヘブライ王国 イスラエル王国 ユダ王国
Beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty as Zhou ping wang becomes the first King of the Zhou to rule from the new capital of Chengzhou.
七難(しちなん)を避け 遠くから。
前770年 犬戎 東周 洛邑
Northern Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrian king Sargon II.
夏に折れたよ 椅子の脚。
前722年 イスラエル アッシリア
Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon destroys the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem and exiles some of the land's inhabitants.
拒(こば)むバビロン やだからね。
前586年 バビロン捕囚 ユダ カルデア(新バビロニア)
Solon institutes democratic reforms and revives the city's constitution, extending citizenship to males of many classes.
酷使(こくし)しません 財揃(そろ)え。
前594年 財産政治 ソロンの改革
ギリシャの制度 財揃え、
ギリシア民主政治 成文法=ドラコン 財産政治=ソロン
尖兵遠く 民は減り
僭主政治=ペイシストラトス 陶片追放=クレイステネス 民主政治=ペリクレス
Solon institutes democratic reforms and revives the city's constitution, extending citizenship to males of many classes.
酷使(こくし)しません 財揃(そろ)え。
前594年 財産政治 ソロンの改革
ギリシャの制度 財揃え、
ギリシア民主政治 成文法=ドラコン 財産政治=ソロン
尖兵遠く 民は減り
僭主政治=ペイシストラトス 陶片追放=クレイステネス 民主政治=ペリクレス