- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 茶の湯新年初稽古と草木染の色に洗われる・・・starting of this year's chanoyu lesson and purified by Shimura Fukumi's works 1日前
- 上野奏楽堂で初めて観るロッシーニのオペラ ・・・ first time to see Rossini's...
- スコットホールでの小さな贅沢なクリスマスコンサート ・・・ Concerto di Natal...
- 老いをみつめて + ボロディンのノクターン ・・・ Looking at myself growing ...
- ピアノ活動再開計画とMartin Fröst, Mozart Clarinet Concerto ・・・planning to ...
- HAUSER 再び ・・・ Hauser again
- Françoise Hardy
- Jacques Brel - Quand on n’a que l’amour ・・・ 久しぶりのシャンソン
- ホセ・カレーラスの歌声に ・・・ blissful time of Jose Carreras' voice reach...
- 北村朋幹 ピアノフォルテ演奏会 ・・・ concert to bring out the sounds of be...
- 秋のコーラス・フェスティバルではじけた ・・・ bursting with joy at the Ch...