

2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記


☆I don't mean to belittle the Mita area where I have worked for many years, but if you walk a little further towards Azabu or Shirokane, I think the atmosphere at the entrances of the shops is very elegant.


☆ Even if you put the same ashtray, it would be better to combine it with the menu and flowers. It's already been a month since I quit smoking, but I'm still worried about where I can smoke.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記


◎Both PGM and Accordia Golf are foreign-owned golf course management companies. However, there is one crucial difference. Both have plenty of smoking areas, but Accordia Golf does not sell cigarettes.

◎This can be quite inconvenient. If you run out of cigarettes, it is not so bad that, with some exceptions from JR East, "they sell cigarettes but there is no place to smoke," but there is nothing you can do about the situation where "you can smoke but they don't sell cigarettes."

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | ここで一服・水元正介

◎ せっかく育てている小松菜が、小さな黒っぽい害虫に食い荒らされています。カミさんの報告によると、まだ小松菜が小さいときから、わが家の小さな畑に成虫が飛んできて交尾し、卵を産んでいたそうです。それが小松菜の成長とともに孵化し、旺盛な食欲で葉っぱを食べているわけです。 

◎ The komatsuna that I have been growing are being devoured by a small black pest. According to my wife's report, the adult insects have been flying into our small field, mating, and laying eggs since the komatsuna were still small. As the komatsuna grows, the eggs hatch and feed on the leaves with a voracious appetite.

◎ 殺生しても全部は無理なので、収穫した小松菜は穴だらけの状態になります。食卓で、「これを見ると、きれいな野菜ってあり得ないね」と実感しました。目に見える害虫や穴だらけの野菜ことが正常なのであり、農薬で虫も食べない野菜の方が異常なのです。煙の出るたばこよりも、目に見えないO-111とか、放射能の方が絶対に怖いのと同じですね。

◎ Even if you kill them, you can't get them all, so the harvested komatsuna will be full of holes. At the dining table, I realized, "When I see this, I realize that there is no such thing as a clean vegetable. Vegetables with visible pests and holes are normal, and vegetables that insects do not eat with pesticides are more abnormal. It's just like I am definitely more afraid of invisible O-111 or radioactivity than smoky cigarettes.

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2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記

▼ 昨今、たばこに限らず、煙の出るものについては、世の中の拒否反応がとても強くなっています。しかし、思い返せば明治維新当時は、機関車が国民からの熱烈な歓迎を受けていたのです。

▼ 先日、職場近くの港区立港郷土博物館に行ったときに、勝海舟さんの機関車の絵を見つけました。決して上手とは言えませんが、見事な構図で時代の雰囲気を捉えている、と感心させられました。

Nowadays, society has become very averse to anything that produces smoke, not just tobacco. However, if we think back to the time of the Meiji Restoration, locomotives were enthusiastically welcomed by the people.

The other day, when I went to the Minato Ward Minato Local Museum near my workplace, I came across a painting of a locomotive by Katsu Kaishu. I wouldn't say it's particularly good, but I was impressed by how well the composition captures the atmosphere of the era.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記



The other day, the Minato Ward Shigin (reciting poetry) contest was held at the Azabu Community Center. I remember that when I visited last fall, there was a smoking corner next to the entrance.

I was reminded that regulations have been strengthened, from a ban on smoking while walking to a ban on smoking on the street. And public facilities are rapidly moving towards a complete ban on smoking on their premises.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち
* 南桜公園の古井戸です!

★ たいがいの悪質なコメントは、公開せずに削除してしまうのですが、今回はあえて公開させていただきました。私は仏教徒ではありませんが、親鸞上人を尊敬しておりますし、たばこを吸う人間に「地獄へ堕ちろ」などと、決しておっしゃるような人ではございません。

★ お笑いコンビの掛け合いで、「死ね」と言われて「生きる」と返すのが、私はとても好きです。楽天性に拍手を送っています。なので、喫煙者である自分も、「地獄へ堕ちろ」と言われたら、「天国へ行く」と即答しておきたいのです。

I am an old well in South Cherry Blossom Park!

I usually delete most malicious comments without publishing them, but this time I dared to publish this one. I am not a Buddhist, but I respect Shinran Shonin, and he is not the kind of person who would tell people who smoke to "go to hell."

★ I love it when a comedic duo crosswords, when told to "die" and they reply, "live". I applaud their optimism. So, as a smoker, when I am told to "go to hell," I want to respond immediately, "I'm going to heaven.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記
☆ 以前、このコーナーで、佐野および那須プレミアムアウトレットの喫煙コーナーをご紹介したことがあります。それぞれ大型のオリジナルスタンド灰皿でした。佐野では黒い鉄製の頑丈な灰皿で、ゴミ箱や飲料自販機とは別な場所に、たばこを吸う者がストレスを感じない程度の間隔に設置されています。

☆ 那須プレミアムアウトレットでは、飲料自販機やゴミ箱とセットでスタンド灰皿が設置されていました。広大な敷地なので、受動喫煙といった苦情もないのでしょう。喫煙者にとっては、追いやられ隔離されたような感情にもなりませんし、行き交う人たちを眺めながら、ゆったりと一服できるので、たばこがより美味しく感じます。

☆ それに比べ、京都の友人が送ってくれた画像を見る限り、ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンのスタンド灰皿には工夫や個性がなく、「がっかりだよ!」と思いました。しかし、それも仕方がないことかも知れません。健康増進とか、受動喫煙防止とか、がん撲滅とかに関して、たばこの害が強調され、全国各地・様々な施設での規制が強まっています。「いずれは全面禁煙になりそうだ」と想定されるならば、施設側としては無駄な投資になってしまうので、喫煙コーナーにお金をかけるわけにはいきませんから…。

Previously, I have introduced the smoking corners of Sano and Nasu Premium Outlets in this section.

Each had a large original stand ashtray.

In Sano, it was a sturdy black iron ashtray, and it was installed in a separate location from the trash cans and drink vending machines, and at a distance that smokers would not feel stressed.

In Nasu Premium Outlets, a stand ashtray was installed in a set with the drink vending machines and trash cans.

Since the site is so large, there are probably no complaints about passive smoking.

For smokers, they don't feel pushed away or isolated, and they can take a leisurely smoke while watching the people passing by, so their cigarettes taste better.

In comparison, from the image sent to me by a friend in Kyoto, the stand ashtray at Universal Studios Japan had no ingenuity or individuality, and I thought, "That's disappointing!"

However, that may be inevitable.

The harm of tobacco is being emphasized in terms of health promotion, prevention of passive smoking, and eradication of cancer, and regulations are being strengthened in various facilities all over the country.
If it is assumed that a complete smoking ban will eventually be implemented, the facility cannot afford to spend money on smoking areas as it would be a wasteful investment.

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2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記

◎ ゴルフ場の従業員さん用のスペースに、事務用机がありました。おそらく、宅配便の受け渡しなどに使う机なのでしょう。部屋ではなく、通路に設置されているのですが、スタンド灰皿がしっかりと確保されているのは、そこで仕事をする人たち、もしくは宅配便の運転手さんたちが必要としているからなのでしょうね。

◎ 仕事現場のすぐそばに灰皿がある、というのはある意味で、ぜいたくなことになってきました。昨今、たばこを口にしながら仕事のできる人は、圧倒的に少数派になってしまいました。職場の分煙は良い方で、完全禁煙が急激に増えているのです。たばこの煙や香り(臭い)が日常生活の中から、どんどん消えつつあることを残念に感じています。

There was a desk in the employee space at the golf course.

It was probably a desk used for receiving and delivering parcels.

It was installed in the hallway, not in a room, but there was a stand ashtray, probably because the people who work there or the parcel drivers need one.

In a way, having an ashtray right next to the workplace has become a luxury.

These days, people who can work while smoking have become an overwhelming minority.

Separated smoking areas in the workplace are a good thing, and complete smoking bans are rapidly increasing. I feel sad that cigarette smoke and aroma (smell) are gradually disappearing from everyday life.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記


The other smoking area at the east exit of Tamachi Station is located by the JR tracks. When I stopped by, the Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train was passing by at great speed.

Despite the roar of the Shinkansen and the location under the station stairs, the smoking area is an open space, making it a pleasant place to smoke. After evening, though, it might be a little too lonely.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2014年01月01日 | たばこのない日々


I stood in line for almost an hour to get a Kameido Hormone. In the past, of course, I would have smoked a few cigarettes while waiting.


Recently, there have been many female customers at hormone restaurants. They seem to be very greedy when it comes to eating good food. I saw women drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and chomping on hormones with other women or with their male friends.

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