
▼ さすが、サラリーマンの街・新橋だと感じたのが、たばこ自販機のポスターでした。ことわざの書き換えをしただけ、なのですが、面白いと思いました。
As one would expect from Shimbashi, a businessman's town, I found a poster for a cigarette vending machine.
It was just a rewriting of a familiar proverb, but I thought it was interesting.
・Look at the trees and see the forest
・The one who stands out is stronger than the one who stands in

▼ たばこを吸う、働く老若男女への応援になっていますね。しかし、マールボロという商品、そのもの露出度は低く、どうなんですかね。私の感覚では、落ちている、わかばの空き箱の方が、ガツンとくる、宣伝効果があるような気がします。空き箱のポイ捨ては、してはいけないことですが。
I see that this ad is in support of cigarette smoking, working men and women of all ages. However, the Marlboro product itself has not received much exposure, so I wonder how it is doing.
In my sense, I am more stimulated by the empty boxes of Wakaba that have fallen down. Littering of empty cigarette boxes is not allowed, but I feel that it is good for publicity.