

2022年07月07日 | 東洋大学校友会(非公式)


Today at 11:00 a.m., four of us held a meeting of the Editorial Board of the Toyo University Alumni Association Kanagawa Prefecture Branch Bulletin at a nearby Cocos.
We also had lunch with highball.
The theme of the meeting was to confirm the schedule until next May (we will meet every month) and to discuss the outline of the plan for the 20 pages of the bulletin.
After the very meaningful editorial committee meeting, I am now heading to Tokyo, where the corona infection is rapidly spreading.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2022年07月07日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

今、私が気に入って使っているのは、落語(せんばい寄席)でいただいた日本手ぬぐいで縫ったChrom bookケースだ。サイズがぴったりで、頑丈な2枚重ねだからフィット感が抜群である。


I have not been sewing lately. However, I have sewed a lot, so I have an inventory of drawstring bags, tote bags, and zippered accessory cases in various sizes.
My current favorite thing to use is a Chrom book case I sewed with a Japanese tenugui cloth I received at a rakugo (traditional Japanese comic storytelling) show (Senbai Yose). 
It is the perfect size and fits great because it is made of two sturdy layers.
The other is a paperback book cover sewn with festival Japanese tenugui. 
If it gets dirty from sweaty hands, it can be washed, and it just feels good to the touch.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )