

2024年08月24日 | 福島県塙町のお話〈非公式サイト〉




Miyoshi Shokudo in Hanawa-cho, Higashi-Shirakawa-gun, Fukushima Prefecture was closed.

Still, I was very happy to meet my cousin and his  wife, and to be able to greet and chat with them.

I couldn't eat the ramen at Khomei Khobo, but the owner, Khomei-chan, gave me some buckwheat flour from Soba Kobo in Hanawa-cho, Higashi-Shirakawa-gun, Fukushima Prefecture, and I tried making it for today's lunch.

It was a shape that was somewhere between soba noodles and dumplings, but my son said, "It's delicious! If the buckwheat flour is good, it's so delicious 😋" and poured the sauce over it and ate a lot.

Thank you, Khomeii-chan 😊.

Tonight in Yokohama, there is a full moon in the distant sky 🌕. I have a feeling that my life is not very long, but I have a feeling that only good things will happen.
I think that even if it's a big mistake, it's a good thing.

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