

2024年10月04日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ





I'll randomly quote some information and opinions that have caught my attention recently.

- More than 300,000 elementary and junior high school students are not attending school.

- Professor Mogi's "Chicken Story"
The types of meat banned in the meat ban were "beef, horse, dog, monkey, and chicken." The reason is that cows and horses are for "farming" only, dogs are "gatekeepers", monkeys are "human-like", and chickens are "time-telling" animals, so they are forbidden to be eaten.

Currently, chickens that have finished laying eggs, except for broilers, are sent to the pet food industry.

Japan's current meat-eating habits can be seen as the work of trading companies and America's stooges.

・ADDress, a venture company, points to the future of regional revitalization based on the idea of ​​sharing economy and multi-base living.

・I tried to interpret the theory of "a frog in a well does not know the ocean" in my own way.

① A frog in a well will die if it goes out to sea.

② In Nietzsche's philosophy, frogs surrender themselves to "repetitive pleasure" every day.

③ The theory of the "boiled frog" is a typical example of management heading for ruin. The frogs living in the well refuse to leave the familiar water even as the temperature of the water in the well gradually rises (due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and environmental changes of the times), and end up being boiled to death (the disappearance of local governments)
④ Even if you point out to these men and women, "You are fools who do not know the ocean," from the standpoint of someone who knows the ocean, it only strengthens their self-esteem by saying, "If you don't like living here, we just won't let you in."

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