⑴ 牛や馬を飼っていたので親近感がわいたこと。
⑵ 身分や地位に関わらず大事にすべきものがあること。
⑶ たしかな技術とチームの結束、師弟関係に心打たれたこと。
⑷ 勧善懲悪、正義は勝つというパターン、真の権力の使い方が心地よかったこと。
⑸ 女優さん全般が可愛いくて、悪役、脇役陣も手堅い演技をしていたこと。
⑹ 医療、医学の変遷についての学びになったこと。
⑺ これから医療制度について、そのあるべき姿を考えさせられたこと。
Yesterday was the final episode of TV Tokyo's Korean drama "Horse Doctor," which ran for 50 episodes.
This is the second time I've watched a Korean drama to the end, after "Baker Kim Tak Goo."
It's so long that I won't get to the next one, but here are a few reasons why I was attracted to "Horse Doctor."
(1) I used to raise cows and horses, so I felt a sense of affinity with the characters.
(2) There are things that should be cherished regardless of status or position.
(3) I was moved by the solid techniques, team unity, and master-disciple relationship.
(4) I liked the pattern of rewarding good and punishing evil, where justice prevails, and the way true power was used.
(5) The actresses were all cute, and the villains and supporting actors gave solid performances.
(6) I learned a lot about the evolution of healthcare and medicine.
(7) It made me think about what the healthcare system should be like in the future.
That's all.