〈79ページ〉 選手たちには、部の指針でもある「礼を正し、場を清め、時を守る」ことを徹底させた。
〈83ページ〉 朝早く起きようとすれば、夜は深酒もできない。すると、自然に体が元気になる。何をするにも、元気であることが大前提だ。朝早く起きて、しっかり朝食を摂る。
〈111ページ〉 この空が福島につながっている----選手たちの手から宙に舞いながら、そんなことを思っていた。(監督として初の胴上げ)
〈137ページ〉 2011年度のチーム・スローガンは、「その1秒をけずりだせ」に決めた。(87回箱根駅伝で早稲田に敗れた10日後)
〈173ページ〉 1975年から長距離を率いた佐々木功監督は「ゆっくり、永く走る」というマラソンの指導理論でも知られているが、現在の東洋大学陸上競技部のシンボルマークであるTUマークをデザインされた方でもある。
〈176ページ〉 どの大学も熱心に強化をして、スカウトも年間を通して動いている。私たちが学生の頃は約200万人いた18歳人口も、現在では100人前後である。半分しかいないにもかかわらず、強化法は進化している。その中で常に優勝争い、上位争いをするには、主力選手を実業団並みのレベルで強化しなくてはなければならない。
〈187〜188ページ〉 世界で戦える選手を輩出することは、指導者としての義務だと思っている。箱根駅伝で勝つことも、良い記録を出すことももちろん重要だが、そこがゴールになってしまうと、モチベーションは上がらない。その先を見据えた価値観を、学生たちに植え付けていかなければならない。
〈189ページ〉 2012年、創立125周年を迎えた東洋大は、「哲学教育」「国際化」「キャリア教育」の3つの教育の柱に、新たな教育プログラムに挑戦している。運動部もこの国際化の一環で、世界を視野に入れた活動や選手育成に力を入れている。大学の方針とともに、陸上競技部もさらなる高みを目指していく。
I read Toshiyuki Sakai, director of the long-distance division of the track and field department of Toyo University, "Kezuridase 1 Second / Ekiden / Toyo University Spirits" (Baseball Magazine, published on December 25, 2014).
On the back of the cover, there was an innocent autograph of director Toshiyuki Sakai, who was not used to it yet.
I will post the words that left an impression on me.
<Page 79> The players were thoroughly instructed to "correct the courtesy, cleanse the place, and keep the time," which is also the guideline of the club.
<Page 83> If you try to get up early in the morning, you cannot drink deeply at night. Then, your body will naturally get well. Whatever you do, you must be fine. Get up early in the morning and have a good breakfast.
<Page 111> This sky is connected to Fukushima ---- I was thinking about that while flying in the air from the hands of the players. (First body lift as a director)
<Page 137> The team slogan for 2011 was decided to "start that one second." (10 days after losing to Waseda in the 87th Hakone Ekiden)
<Page 173> Director Isao Sasaki, who has led a long distance since 1975, is known for his marathon instruction theory of "running slowly and for a long time", but he designed the TU mark, which is the symbol mark of the current Toyo University Athletics Club. It is also the one who was done.
<Page 176> Every university is enthusiastically strengthening, and scouts are also working throughout the year. The 18-year-old population, which was about 2 million when we were students, is now around 100. Despite only half, the enhancement method is evolving. In order to constantly compete for victory and higher ranks, the main players must be strengthened at the level of a businessman.
<Pages 187-188> I think it is my duty as a leader to produce players who can compete in the world. Of course it is important to win the Hakone Ekiden and set a good record, but if that is the goal, you will not be motivated. We must instill in our students the values that look ahead.
There are many things that inspire me when I am aware of the "world." You can understand your own ability and feel "Japan". Awareness as a representative of Japan has sprung up, and I have come to think about what kind of country Japan is.
<Page 189> In 2012, Toyo University, which celebrated its 125th anniversary, is challenging new educational programs with the three pillars of education, "philosophy education," "internationalization," and "career education." As part of this internationalization, the athletic club is also focusing on activities and player training with a view to the world. Along with the university policy, the track and field club will aim for even higher heights.