During the lunch break on June 4th, I participated in a cleanup campaign around Tamachi and Mita Station.
It was raining the day before.
Because of that, there was a lot of litter in the drain.
This time, I felt that there were more "hair" than I imagined.
▼普段も「髪の毛」は、空中を浮遊していたり、地上に落ちていたりするのでしょう。それが、枯葉、たばこの吸い殻、紙くずなどと絡み合い排水溝に集まってきたのですね。これが排水溝の目詰まりの要因にもなっているみたいです。"Hair" is usually floating in the air or falling to the ground.
It got entangled with dead leaves, cigarette butts, paper scraps, etc. and gathered in the drain.
This seems to be the reason for the clogging of the drain.