

2017年09月09日 | ここで一服・水元正介


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2017年09月09日 | たばこの気持ち


何といっても、原作が弘兼憲史さんであることは、毎回のストーリーに安定感を与えていると思っています。「課長 島耕作」シリーズとは、また違った面白さと楽しさがありますね。


In "Hello Harinezumi", Mr. Eita was smoking a heated cigarette. My buddy smokes cigarettes, and cigarettes suit detectives since Sherlock Holmes.

Above all, I think that the fact that the original work is by Mr. Kenshi Hirokane gives each story a sense of stability. It has a different kind of fun and enjoyment from the “Kacho Shima Kosaku” series.

Come to think of it, when Kenshi Hirokane was young, he used to come to a bar in Shinjuku to drink. The name of the shop is "Nupuri", but when I passed by about half a year ago, it wasn't open that day, but it seems that it's still open, so I think I'll stop by someday.

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