コンビニ入口では、つい先だってまでらPloom TECHの新製品やgloの新製品に関するパネルが目についていました。
At the entrance to the convenience store, we had noticed panels about the new Ploom TECH and glo products until just a few days ago.

Recently, that seems to have been replaced by a panel of upgraded IQOS products. And there are "Sold Out" or "In Stock" tags on them, perhaps the strength of the top market share for heated cigarettes?

In addition to selling at convenience stores, I recently received a DM from T Points addressed to me, and upon opening it, I found it was a campaign to give T Points for glo.

If you buy a glo ︎ unit at a convenience store, it will be practically free, so it was more like "hurry up or the campaign will be over".

Although the heated cigarette boom appears to be winding down, the trend toward heated cigarettes is expected to continue due to stricter passive smoking prevention ordinances. In reality, the number of restaurants and indoor/outdoor smoking areas is rapidly decreasing. So these changes in the environment are creating a daily and ever-changing competition for an increasingly limited share of the market.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)