

2020年12月20日 | 三田だより

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2020年12月20日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

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2020年12月20日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)

1909年(明治42年)12月19日(戸籍上は1910年(明治43年)1月1日)、台湾の新竹に生まれる。本籍は福島県相馬郡小高町 (現・南相馬市 )。父三郎の実家・般若家は代々奥州相馬氏に仕え、磐城国相馬中村藩士(剣道指南役)として明治維新を迎えた。三郎は税務官吏として台湾に渡り、後台湾精糖株式会社に勤務した。母方の曽祖父は薩摩藩の陽明学者の伊東猛右衛門。父の転勤に伴い、幼少期を屏東で過ごす。


Regarding Mr. Yutaka Hani's "The Dead Spirit," I was given the following Wikipedia-like information by a male classmate of mine, F-kun, from Hanawa Town, Higashishirakawa County, Fukushima Prefecture: "Well, Mr. Yutaka Hani was born in Taiwan and never lived in Fukushima Prefecture, but his legal domicile was in Fukushima Prefecture. The world is full of things we don't know.

He was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan on December 19, 1909 (January 1, 1910 in his family register). His legal domicile is Odaka-cho, Soma-gun, Fukushima Prefecture (now Minamisoma City). His father Saburo's family, the Hannaka family, had served the Oshu Soma clan for generations, and he entered the Meiji Restoration as a samurai (kendo instructor) of the Soma Nakamura clan in Iwaki Province. Saburo went to Taiwan as a tax official and later worked for Taiwan Sugar Refining Co. His maternal great-grandfather was Ito Takeemon, a yomei scholar of the Satsuma clan. He spent his childhood in Pingtung due to his father's relocation.

Yutaka Hani's great-grandfather on his mother's side was from Satsuma, which is now Kagoshima Prefecture. My old friend Mr. T also lived in Kagoshima Prefecture and taught me the greatness of Mr. Hideo Kobayashi when I was young.

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