グループLINE やメールもたくさん届き、携帯電話もありました。どうにかミッションを果たせたので、自分へのささやかなご褒美のハイボールです。
I was on the computer from 10:00 a.m. to a little past 3:00 p.m., with lunch in between, finishing and checking manuscripts related to two alumni associations. (2022.4.4)
Then, I watched the cherry blossoms along the Oooka River and was fascinated by the flower rafts on the surface of the river.
There was a flurry of cherry blossoms, and tomorrow, the petals of the cherry blossoms will be dancing in the air.
I had my hair cut at my favorite barber shop. I was going to go shopping and go home, but I wanted to have a light drink at Dengushi.
I received many group lines and e-mails and had a cell phone. Somehow I had accomplished my mission, so this is my little reward for myself: a highball.
Well, I shall now start on my mission of cooking duty. Nevertheless, I am not so sure about our dinner menu today, because I am feeling very much better as a lower-middle class person.