



Today, my missions were (1) to be a breakfast cook, (2) to have a regular checkup at my family doctor, and (3) to hold an editorial meeting for the newsletter of the Kanagawa Branch of the Toyo University Alumni Association.
For lunch, I had a delicious meal of fried white fish and chicken at the customary Cocos Bandohbashi restaurant, as well as (2) above.
Regarding the cover of (3), I created a QR code in the upper right corner to allow easy access to the Kanagawa Branch blog.
After that, I picked up two prescription pills at the pharmacy and took a break at Mos Burger.
In addition, the bulletin editorial meeting is almost complete for the May 1 issue.
In addition, I am reading "Nagai Kafu no Showa" by Kazutoshi Hando at Mos Burger, 110 yen, a book I bought at a used book store. It is amazing to see the dignity of Mr. Nagai Kafu's eyes, which did not move slightly in the prewar, wartime, and postwar period.