

2013年01月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
◎ 先日は、どうも! さっそく、中島らも氏のエッセイ3冊を買い、「カンサイ帝国の……」という本を読み終え、昨日購入した小説2冊のうち、「今夜全てのバーで」を半分近く読みました。スイスイと入ってくるので、かなり自分と相性の良い作家だと感じています。中島さんは、宝塚在住なので、地震は大丈夫だったのかな? 先日は思い出しませんでしたが、「今夜全てのバーで」は、年末年始のドラマで見ていました。それで、中島らも氏のことを記憶していたのです。

◎ 僕は、中島さんと山田風太郎さんとの対談を読み、笑ってしまいました。山田さんの本は、高校生の時に文庫本(隠密ものだったと思う)を1冊読みましたが、胸がどきどきするような忍法にビックリした記憶があり、改めて、僕たちにとってまだまだ読むべきテキストは多いのだ、と実感させられました。

◎ まぁ、それにしても人生にはいろいろなことがあって、これからはアルコール中毒患者の気持ちにも同化できるようになると、人を観る目に変化が起きるし、飲むことの奥深さを実践したくなり、とめどなく忙しい精神生活になるなぁ、と思ったりしています。病気(病院)、老後というのが気にかかる年代になったのだろうし、駄目人間とされる生き方も一つの素晴らしい現実なのだ、ということですね。
それに、みんな不安定な土台に生きているし、生も死も紙一重という状況の認識が 大事なんだと思います。それに加えて、自分の個性や「それがどうした!」 という覚悟ですかね。これがとっても難しいんだな、やっぱし。
というわけで、若干の感想に代えさせていただきます。ではでは。(2001 12/25)

Hi the other day! 
I immediately bought three essays by Ramo Nakajima and finished reading a book called "The Kansai Empire's ......".
Of the two novels I bought yesterday, I read almost half of "Tonight at All the Bars".
I feel that he is an author who is quite compatible with me, as he comes into my life with a swish.
Since Mr. Nakajima lives in Takarazuka, I wonder if he was okay with the earthquake?
I did not recall it the other day, but I saw "Tonight at All the Bars" in a year-end and New Year's drama.
That is how I remembered Mr. Nakajima.
The main character was Kyohei Shibata, Tendoji's sister was Yuko Asano, and the doctor was Jinpachi Nezu ...... very interesting, and I was familiar with the lines in the drama, although there were some differences in the situation settings.
By the way, at the end of last year, I read "Diary of a Madman" by Budai Irokawa, which describes his experiences with narcolepsy, a strange disease, and his time in the hospital due to an internal disease. It was a parade of fantasies and delusions, and was very powerful, so I read "Tonight at All the Bars" along those lines.

I read the interview between Mr. Nakajima and Futaro Yamada and laughed.
I read one of Mr. Yamada's books (I think it was a covert one) in a paperback when I was in high school.
I remember being surprised by his heart-throbbing ninja techniques, and it made me realize once again that there are still many texts for us to read.
In his "Diary of a Madman," Mr. Irokawa clearly describes the realities of geriatric care and hospitals, and his will as a patient (facing life and death, determination, regret, and struggle) is conveyed in a realistic manner.
I found this book quite informative for me as I am going to take care of my parents and other people close to me and face old age myself.
It's not good for dreaming, though. ......, and it also made me recall various things from my past with a whimper. I was convinced that the writing is top-notch and thank you for introducing me to a good book when I closed the paperback of "Tonight at All the Bars" at midnight last night and was able to enjoy the aftermath while having a smoke.

◎ Well, there are many things in life, and I am thinking that if I can assimilate the feelings of an alcoholic from now on, I will change the way I look at people, I will want to practice the profundity of drinking, and I will have an unremittingly busy spiritual life. I guess I am now at an age where illness (hospital) and old age are becoming more and more of a concern, and I realize that living a life that is considered a bad one is a wonderful reality.
Besides, everyone is living on an unstable foundation, and I think it is important to recognize that there is a fine line between life and death. In addition to that, I think it is important to have your own individuality, your own determination to say, "So what! I think it is very difficult to do this. This is very difficult.
So, that's all for now. So, I'll leave you with a few thoughts. (2001/12/25)

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