

Marie-Antoinette 's history.

2016-02-29 | 英語で歴史を学ぶ

Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna Austria on November 2nd 1755.

The fifteenth of sixteen children.


Her mother was Empress Maria Tereasa.

a powerful woman respected politician 「尊敬された政治家」



arranged marriages of all her daughters 「すべての娘たちの結婚を整えた」



Although nothing Marie Antoinette's education was prepared to become a queen 「女王になる準備をする」

Her fate was sealded wench 「彼女の運命は決まっていた」


one of Loui sexteen's ministers agreed to consolidate the somewhat fragile French-Austrian alliance. 「ルイ16世の大臣の一人が、いくぶん脆弱なフランスとオーストリアの同盟を固めることに同意する」

And so, on May 16th 1770 at Versaille, Marie Antoinette married Prince Lui Auguste future Loui the 16th.



When she arrived at Versaille, people praised her freshness and beauty.



adjust A to B 「AをBに適応させる」

But the young princess found it difficult to adjust her new life to court gossip.


particuraly (パティキュラリー)「特に」

And particuraly the etiquette(ジ エティケット)and pompous ceremonial (パンパス セレモニアル) inherited(インヘリテッド) from the Lui 14th 「特にエチケットとルイ14世から受け継いだ大げさな儀式」


neglect (ネグレクト)

「怠る」→ neg-「否定」

Neglected by her husband who devoted(デボウテッド) himself to his passions of hunting, navy, geography and mathematics 「狩り、海軍、地理や数学に対する情熱に自分自身を捧げている夫にかまってもらえず」

Marie Antoinette soon found a variety of diversions to overcome her boredom she left the theater, music and art  attending at endless round Versaille and Paris.「マリーアントワネットはすぐに退屈を克服するための多くの気晴らしを見つけた。」



In 1774, Loui the sixteenth ascended the throne. (スローン)「1774年、ルイ16世は王座にのぼった」

And at nineteen, Marie Antoinette became Queen of France.

Loui the sixteenth gave her le Petit(プテッ) Trianon.


▲le Petit Trianon(小トリアノン宮殿)

And the state which also became a refuge for the quarter per side.

No one came there  unless invited by the young queen who prefer to surround herself with friends chosen for the report rather than the rank which scandalized(スキャンダライズド) the aristocracy.「貴族制度を中傷する庶民(the rank)より選ばれた友人たちに囲まれることを好む女王に招待されない限り誰もそこを訪れはしなかった。

During the summer the King often visited her but never slept there.

give birth to 「産む」

After seven long years, she gave birth to the first of four children, Marie Thérèse known as Madame Royale.「7年もの後、彼女は4人のうちの第一子、マダム・ロワイヤルとして知られるマリー・テレーズを産んだ」

Then came the first prince,  who died in childhood.「それから、最初の王子が生まれるが、彼は子どものときに亡くなった。」

future Loui 17th

And finally another  who died in infancy.「幼くして亡くなった。」


Nonetheless, Marie Antoinette did not change her way of life. 「にもかかわらず、マリーアントワネットは彼女の生き方を変えなかった。」

spending lavishly ( ラビッシュリィ)on fine clothes, an expensive parties 「いい服、豪華なパーティーに惜し気もなく費やす」


rumor had it she was capricious scatterbrainand and extravagant 「噂では彼女は気まぐれなで慌て者で浪費家だった。」 


But she was Queen and one of the best.



At trianon atomoshere was carefree but beyond its keys they were ominous memories

「トリアノンでは雰囲気はのんびりとしていた それらは不吉な」


Austrian woman nicknamed Madam deficit 「赤字夫人とあだ名されたオーストリア女」

But as far as Queen was concerned, nothing and nobody apart from God could call royal power into question. 「しかし女王に関する限り、神以外の何も誰も王室の力に疑問を差し挟むことはできなかった。」

In October 1789, when the royal family was taken by force to  Tuileries, it was Marie Antoinette who called upon foreign monarchies to organize a clandestine resistance.




She was assisted by kempt Axel von Fersen a handsome Swedish officer whom she had met 15 years earlier.



Together they planned to escape, which ended in failure at Varennes. 「いっしょに逃げる計画をした、がそれは失敗に終わった。」

Temple prison「タンプル塔牢獄」


Held with her family in the Temple prishe continued to comunicate with world outside「彼女は外の世界と連絡を取り続けた。」

But had to stand by powerless as Loui the sixteenth was guillotined.


She was then transferred to the Concierge  and was contend to death.「彼女はそれからコンシェルジュリー(パリの牢獄)に移された。」

 9 months after her husband, on October 16th 1793 the guillotoine blade fell and she became a legend 「ギロチンの刃が落ちたとき彼女は伝説になった。」




To excute Marie Antoinette because she was Queen was to see her as the embodiment of the monarchy.


she became its symbol, icon of the history of France amid future generations


And now mont has made restration work possible.

returning to its previous splendor the house once again looks inhabited as if the Queen had only just left.



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