「この日スケート 差し押さえ。」
I believe the unproductive have no right to confiscate from the productive.(生産しない人が生産する人から押収する権利はないと、私は思う)
In the Konden Einen Shizai Law (the law permitting permanent
ownership of newly cultivated land) which was enforced 20 years after the Sanze-isshin Law (in 743), it says, 'Although there is the Sanze-isshin Law, farmers do not cultivate land because of idleness as the land is confiscated when the time limit comes,' so it seems that the effect of the Sanze-isshin Law lasted merely less than 20 years.
音節con・fis・cate 発音記号・読み方/kάnfɪskèɪt|kˈɔn‐/発音を聞く
動詞 他動詞
〈財産を〉(職権で,または罰として)没収する; 押収する,差し押さえる.
The government confiscates the illegally imported goods. 政府は密輸品を押収する. |
ラテン語「金庫に納める」の意; 名詞 confiscation