On February 28, Fuji Television's "The Nonfiction" was "Orca Afterward.
Born in Kitami, Japan, Orca failed the Self-Defense Forces examination due to a severe eye disorder, and after that, due to difficulties in employment, he wandered around the country starting from Sapporo at the age of 20, living in Yoyogi Park in Shibuya, Tokyo, as a homeless person.
At the time, Orca's daily routine consisted of pantomime on the streets of Shibuya, with an average income of 1,000 yen per day. He enjoyed drinking until dawn with two boxes of Golden Bats, which cost 130 yen each at the time, a 530 yen bottle of synthetic sake, and canned mackerel miso.
▼その後、ゴールデンバットは値上がりし、現在は210円、それも今年の4月からは50円も大幅な値上げとなります。オルカさん、ちょっとかわいそうだね、今回の放送は、渋谷を引き払い、久しぶりに「ふるさとの北見」へ向かうオルカさんのドキュメントでした。Since then, the price of Golden Bat has gone up, and is now 210 yen, and that too will be raised by a whopping 50 yen starting this April. Orca-san, I feel a little sorry for you. This broadcast was a document of Orca-san, who is pulling out of Shibuya and heading to "hometown Kitami" for the first time in a long time.