先日、私は午前11時から三田の歯医者🦷で、右前歯の治療をしてから、午後3時40分まで、 OB会のお手伝いと、旧盆の過ごし方などについて、てんやわんやでした
そのあと、 OB会の相方と今後の打ち合わせを含め、2時間ほど慶応中通りの居酒屋でちょい飲みしました
The otherday, I went to a dentist in Mita from 11:00 am to get my right front tooth treated, and then from 3:40 pm, I was busy helping out with the alumni association and thinking about how to spend the Obon festival.
After that, I had a few drinks with my alumni association partner at a bar on Keio Nakadori for about two hours, including discussing future plans.
After the few drinks, I said I didn't want dinner at my house, so I went to the Sha-rin Tamachi branch and had a large bowl of tsukemen.
Even a 71-year-old old man can easily eat a large bowl.