昨夜のNHK 「プロフェッショナル」はとても印象深いものでした。その中から、印象的な言葉を抜き書きしつつ、「宮崎駿監督どんなタバコを吸っているのか」を紹介したいと思います。
▽ 宮崎は研ぎ澄まされていく。宮崎はいつになくたかぶっていた。
▽ 堪うるを尽くして生きなさい。一寸先は闇でやってんだから。
▽ 映画完成のあと、宮崎は1人カレーラーメンを食べていた。
Last night's NHK "Professional" was very impressive. I would like to introduce "What kind of cigarettes does Hayao Miyazaki smoke?" while extracting impressive words from among them.
▽ Miyazaki is sharpened. Miyazaki was always wearing a bag.
▽ Live as hard as you can. Because I was doing it in the dark one inch ahead.
▽ After the movie was completed, Miyazaki was eating curry ramen by himself.
So, Hayao Miyazaki was constantly wrestling with his films while either holding Seven Stars or smoking Seven Stars.