

New York Times, SEP 22news

2019年09月22日 | 英語練習
New York Times(9月21日)記事

Climate Strike N.Y.C.: Young Crowds Demand Action,
Welcome Greta Thunberg
“I feel hopeful seeing the power of all these people here today,”
one teenager said of the protest,
which drew tens of thousands of demonstrators.



"Yesterday actions"
I took a walk through Yanagibashi and Torigoe.
The host is Taito Ward.
Visiting an old private house is pretty interesting.

I am inspired by the Chinese.
I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.
I think that there are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
Please forgive me.

I think that there is an unknown point in the description
because of my lack of knowledge.
For details, please check the source article, program and image.
Source: The New York Times

Image citation from the New York Times article
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