

Self speaking 5 minutes about small boat fishing

2020年05月25日 | その他












Good evening everyone.

Today I would like to talk about small boat fishing.

I have been fishing since I was a child.

That's because there was a river and sea near my parents' house.

I have a fishing career for over 40 years.


For a long time, I have been fishing at the harbor or breakwater.

Unfortunately, most people cannot catch fish there, because there are a lot of anglers at popular fishing spots.

On the other hand, there is almost no fish, and the size is very small.

I thought that I wanted to go to the area with a lot of fish.

For that, I thought I should get my own boat.


I got a boat license in 2012, and I bought a rubber boat that could carry an engine.

As a matter of fact, my fishing has changed a lot since I started small boat fishing.

The number of fish that caught has increased, and their size has grown.


I was alone when I started small boat fishing.

As I continued small boat fishing, I have made many friends with the same hobbies.

The friends who have boats are very important because there are a lot of danger in the sea. So, they become eternal friends.


Three years ago, I bought a trailer-type pleasure boat at an auction.

This boat was very good and stable. Therefore I was able to go further offshore.

I can now go to many fishing spots in Sotobo area.


My favorite fish is Hiramasa, which is similar to yellowtail.

Sometimes, their size exceeds one meter or 20 pounds.

If you want, you may be able to catch such a big fish in a small boat.


Lastly, there is one more thing I want to tell you.

The appeal of a small boat is not limited to fishing.

In fact, floating on a wide sea with a small boat will help me be free from worries.

It is a wonderful feeling and I can be very refreshed.

I hope you experience this extraordinary life.

I am really happy to come across small boat fishing.


This is the end of my story. Thank you for listening.





It is a wonderful feeling and I can be very refreshed.





それではまた おやすみなさい



にほんブログ村 釣りブログ ボート釣りへ

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2 コメント

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Unknown (五目漁師)
2020-05-29 17:05:38
It is wonderful speech.
It is easy for me to imagine that they understood why Gucchann could be always so exuberant and calm in his works.
By the way, I am afraid that if it was available those pictures on a screen in your speech because those might help them to image your fishing style and your big fish.

To tell you the truth, I went to Ito on the day before yesterday for playing Tairaba and jigging allthough the result was what is called “Bo”.
I know that we are requested self-restraint, especialy for coming and going of inter-prefectures.
In this timing, my understanding for the request is that Pay perfect attention for coming and going.
Actuary I only met the master of rental boat shop, I never dropped in a convenience store or fishing shop and so on, and I was alone in a small boat on a sea all day.

In any case, I hope the slope where many borders go out and come back their offshore fishing points will open again as soon as possible, and we would enjoy fishing as in the past.

五目漁師さんへ (ぐっちゃん)
2020-05-29 22:02:49
Hello, Gomokuryoshi-san. Thank you for your polite comment.
The presentation was given at a video conference(Zoom) due to the influence of COVID-19. At the Zoom conference, I was able to choose the back-views myself. And I was also able to change the back-views during the presentation.I made a presentation with some pictures in the back-view and was very well received.

Small boat fishing basically doesn't contact anyone, so it depends on the feelings of the local people.
In your case, if the owner of the boat shop is thinking OK, I think there is no problem.
It seems that some slopes in Chiba prefecture will also be open, but they don't allow visitors from other prefectures.

On the other hand, my job seems to stay home for a while.
It seems that it will take a little longer for the normal daily life to return.


