

2015年12月04日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
「オレの畑には豆とか煙草とか芋とか何でもある。足さえ良かったら、畑からタピオカをとってきてタピオカもちを作ってやったのに-------」 という。



[Pages 44-45]
I was a "tobacco rich man" because I did not smoke. I would trade a cigarette for a papaya and eat it on the spot. (If I brought them back to the company, they would be very noisy.) On the pole, there were dried peanuts, corn, and potatoes. I tried the peanuts and they were very tasty.
On Sundays, I would go out and make friends with a man named Paul.
He gave me bananas and bread, and I gave him a pack of cigarettes, and he said, "Wow, that's a great service! ---"
I have beans, tobacco, potatoes, and everything else in my field. If only I had a good foot, I would have taken some tapioca from the field and made tapioca rice cakes. -------

[page 49]
When I was working on a mission, I used to smoke and coke fruits with the natives whenever I met them.
I preferred to go outside the company because there were "old demons" in the company and I would get a slap in the face just for being in such an idyllic mood.
I preferred monkey bananas and breadfruit.

[ken] The people in the wilderness, it seems, smoked dried tobacco leaves wrapped in soft plant leaves. 
When Mr. Mizuki brought the rationed paper cigarettes for his own use, they still seemed to taste much better, and were greatly welcomed by the people of the wilderness.
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