私は以前から喫煙所やスタンド灰皿の画像を集めてきましたが、最近、IQOSやら、glooやら、Ploom TECHやらの加熱式たばこを手にする人が増え、その景色が変わってきました。
I have been collecting images of smoking areas and stand ashtrays for some time.
Recently, the landscape has changed as more and more people are getting IQOS, gloo, Ploom TECH, and other heated cigarettes.

So, this time it is the smoking area at the exit of Tokyo Metro Iriya Station, the smoking area at the Okachimachi Karaoke Pavilion, and the "No Littering, No Smoking, No Fines" sign near the entrance to Round One at the west exit of Yokohama Station.

The stand ashtrays in Iriya, usually rectangular signs, were roof shaped like Japanese houses. Every year, the places where people can smoke are getting smaller and smaller, and a phased increase in cigarette taxes has been decided. It is truly a winter time.