


Since last year or so, when I go for walks, my eye is inevitably drawn to vacant houses that look like they are falling apart, stores that look like they will soon be closing, and one-story buildings made of rusty corrugated iron.

I always looked away, thinking, "The wood and mortar houses look cheap and really unattractive."

However, as I get older I find myself thinking things like, "What will happen to the old houses?", "There were people who were born and raised here, and people who worked hard here!", "When you look closely, the scenery is full of character and evokes nostalgia", and "I wonder if it's a sense of empathy for the scenery and memories that are being lost?"

I thought that after a little while, on a warmer day, it would be fun to take a walk with a sketchbook, pencils, and ballpoint pens and draw pictures of the old buildings in the neighborhood.