

2018年12月23日 | 福島県塙町のお話〈非公式サイト〉
先日、日本神輿協会に所属し、3月開催の「東日本大地震復興祭」を立ち上げたメンバーの友人から、「塙 はなわ」の名入りカレンダーをいただきました。

I recently received a calendar with the name HANAWA Hanawa on it from a friend of mine who belongs to the Japan Mikoshi Association and is a member of the group that launched the "Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Festival" to be held in March.


I have been going to the annual Recovery Festival at the Toneri Park for the past few years.


I hope to show up next year with friends and enjoy the festival in a tipsy mood.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2018年12月23日 | ここで一服・水元正介

The other day, I received a gift from a friend who traveled to Kanazawa.

At first, I didn't have an image of "Nodoguro" and "Meshi Senbei".


However, when I opened the bag and took a bite of the senbei that looked like koge and kaminari okoshi, I said, "Wow, this is the most delicious senbei I've ever had." Thank you.

My wife and son loved it and it was gone in no time.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )