🔵 43ページ
🔵 194~196ページ
俺は酒もたばこもやらないけど、食べるぐらいはうまいもの食べたくて、35年ぐらい前から銀座の天一という天ぷら屋の老舗に通っている。その天一の天ぷら職人は、天ぷらをお客さんの前であげるのに15年以上かかるという。 15年でやっと一人前だけど、それ以上目指そうと思ったら15年ではまだまだだと言うんだ。
[Page 43]
I used to go in and out of Tamanoi with my neighbor's friends and get paid for things like my older sister's cigarette errands.
That's why I haven't received any pocket money from my parents since I was a child, and maybe it's because I've been earning money by doing business with everything, so I didn't have any trouble with money.
[Pages 194-196]
I don't drink or smoke, but I've been going to a long-established tempura restaurant in Ginza called Tenichi for about 35 years because I want to eat good food.
The Tenichi tempura craftsman says it takes more than 15 years to prepare tempura in front of customers.
After 15 years, I'm finally a full-fledged person, but if I want to aim for more than that, I'll say that 15 years is still a long way to go.