Takahiro Yokomichi, former Governor of Hokkaido and former Speaker of the House of Representatives, has passed away. We extend our condolences.
Ikuro Takagi, who was an ally of Takahiro Yokomichi, also passed away last year, although we were in different faculties at the University of Tokyo.
Mr. Takahiro Yokomichi was a memorable politician for me. I saw him nearby, he was the governor of Hokkaido at the time of the Okushiri Earthquake, and a friend of mine from Toyo University was affected by the disaster, and Governor Takahiro Yokomichi knew my friend.
I was able to hear directly from him that at that time, the most difficult thing for the islanders was coffins, and the most appreciated things were dentures and glasses.
I also had on hand several of Takahiro Yokomichi's writings and lecture materials. We listened to his lectures and greetings many times. Unfortunately, a charismatic politician like Mr. Takahiro Yokomichi is hard to find nowadays.