

2025年01月26日 | ここで一服・水元正介


After a few years, the red color will turn pink and then turn whitish.

We once bought a red Honda Fit, which we treated to prevent discoloration, and then replaced it 7-8 years later when the red color was starting to fade.

The tin box ashtray in the picture is often seen at construction sites. It was originally red, but it quickly turned whitish, and the white letters "Suigara Ire" (to put in smoke) are hard to see.

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2025年01月25日 | 東洋大学校友会(非公式)



Today, we held the 7th board meeting of the Toyo University Alumni Association Kanagawa Prefecture Branch, where we discussed the summary of the Hakone Ekiden New Year's Support Party and how to respond to the extraordinary assembly meeting in February, and shared this information with all participants.

Although there were more absentees than usual, a total of nine people participated, and we had lively discussions and deepened our friendship and exchanges, including at the social gathering after the board meeting.

So, for the social gathering, we went to Marumiya Sakaba at the west exit of Yokohama Station, where we drank draft beer, sake, black hoppy, red wine, and other dishes, while eating delicious food such as diced steak, grilled yellowtail, appetizers, and a three-piece sashimi platter.

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2025年01月25日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ


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メビウスOne 100'sの新製品について〈英訳付〉

2025年01月25日 | たばこの気持ち



I heard that a new product has been released for my beloved JT MEVIUS One, so I immediately bought one at a convenience store.

It is advertised as "strong and delicious" and "strong 1mg", but to be honest, I didn't feel that way.

It's 580 yen compared to the MEVIUS E series (500 yen), so as a retired person, I respect JT's efforts in product development, but I think the E series is fine as it is.

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2025年01月24日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ



近所にあった「もつしげ」さんが、1年近く前に閉店してしまったので、とても残念でしたが、久しぶりの味に大満足です。たばこはploom xメビウスをテーブルで吸いました


Today(2025.1.18)'s drink was at "Motsu Shige" on the outskirts of Noge-cho.

I spent an hour drinking the happy hour highballs (50 yen) while eating delicious snacks.

I was able to enjoy the salted stew, spicy bean sprouts, macaroni salad, liver, chicken skin, dotekushi, cabbage appetizer, pork belly, and more.

It was a shame that "Motsu Shige" that used to be in the neighborhood closed down almost a year ago, but I was very satisfied with the taste after a long time.

Tomorrow(2025.1.19) I'm planning to go picking mandarin oranges🍊.

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2025年01月23日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ




Tomorrow(2025.1.19), the weather is not good, but I'm going to pick mandarin oranges (navel oranges and hassaku oranges) just before Odawara.

I'm going out in a car with three friends from the same year who live in Hanawa Town, Higashi Shirakawa District, Fukushima Prefecture.

There are no mandarin orange orchards in Hanawa Town, where I was born and raised, so this is a completely new experience for me at 71 years old.

It will probably be tiring, but I'm really looking forward to it, thanks to the kindness of my friends who accepted me to pick mandarin oranges.

Speaking of hassaku oranges, I ate one this year.

I like walking around the university campus, and the other day, there was a mandarin orange tree on campus with several small hassaku oranges.

When I touched one of them with my right hand, it fell off the branch, so I caught it with my left hand.

I wondered whether I should leave it on the ground or take it home, but I chose the latter (please don't call me a mandarin orange thief).

I kept it at home for a while, and then I thought I'd give it a try if I could, so I cut it into four with a knife and took a bite.

It was very sour and slightly bitter, so I thought about giving up and throwing it away, but it was still edible, so I ate it all in three sittings.

So, in February I have plans to visit Taisho University in Nishi-Sugamo, and as it will be my first time there I am really looking forward to it.

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2025年01月22日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

Today, we went to "Hanamichi" in Noge for a drink, where we enjoyed delicious sea urchin, tuna, horse mackerel tataki, and tuna natto while drinking sake (200 yen).

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2025年01月22日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ
昨日は OB会の常任幹事会を終えたあと、慶応仲通の「丸一酒場」でレモンサワーを1杯だけいただきました

It's been a week since I decided on the amount of alcohol I will drink per day.

Even though I still drink every day, I feel like my health is improving little by little.

Yesterday, after the standing executive meeting of the alumni association, I had just one lemon sour at Maruichi Sakaba in Nakadori, Keio.

By deciding on the amount of alcohol I will drink, I have reduced my intake of sugar from sweet breads, chocolate, ice cream, etc.

When I drink too much alcohol, I crave something really sweet, and it seems that I was consuming too much.

I think it will be a great success if my desire for sugar disappears and I feel fine without eating it.

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2025年01月21日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

Kiyoken is known for its shumai dumplings, but their meat buns are also delicious.

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2025年01月20日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ



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