I have to watch 4 Videos and I have to answers 30 questions.
Video1(Sopping at the grocery store.)
1)The supermarket also called the grocery store.
Can you write a sentence using the above word?
I am going to the SEIYU grocery store this afternoon.
2)What food items can you find in the PRODUCE Section?
We can find fruits,vegetables,etc.
3)What food items can you ind in the DELI section?
We can find meats,hams,etc.
4)What can you find in the FROZEN food section?
We can find pizzas,ice cream,etc
5)What you find in the DAIRY section?
We can find milk,butter,cheese,etc.
6)Do you have any favorite store you like to go to?
I don't have a favorite supermarket.
7)What your favorite section of the store?
My favorite section is the sweets corner.
8)Please share about a recent shopping experience
I try not to talk to anyone because of the coronavirus.
Video2(Marie Kondo Tidies Up at Stephen's Late Show.)
1)Stephen says his Japanese is a little rusty.
2)Marie Kondo is a phenomenon.
3)What is the title of her book?
The life changing magic of tidying up.
4)Why do you think Americans love her philosophy and
her cleaning up so much according to Marie Kondo?
We all have cutter in our heart and that's what needs tidying.
5)What does she do first before she organizes people's homes?
She sit down on on her knees and thank you for everything.
6)What did the TV host Stephen put on his desk?
Bourbon,purelle,a cinnabun,the book,a fitted sheet
7)What did she tell him to do?
Touch each item one by one and see if it sparks joy for.
You leave sparking things.
8)What did she do for his sheet?
She folded and wrapped the sheets.
9)Have you ever read her book or used her organizing method?
No,I haven't I have the first time to hear her name.
10)Have you organized or tidied your house recently ?
I recently switched between winter clothes and summer clothes.
Video 3 (Andy Sjostrom,the good handyman.)
1)What is Andy's company name?
The Good Handyman.
2)What are the three projects he is going to do?
☆Updating Fixtures.
☆Polishing hand ware.
3)For the project 1,
What does he do before he starts the project?
Shut down breakers.
4)What material did he use to polish the doorknob?
Lacquer, oxidizer, chemical liquid, etc.
5)What kind of preparation is needed before painting?
Protect areas where you don't paint
6)What kind of tool did he use to paint the wall?
Tape to prevent paint
7)How much do you pay a handyman for his service?
I pay about $ 100 an hour.
8)Have you ever done DIY project for your house?
If you have,what did you do?
I used to change two rooms on the second floor into one room.
Video4(Little Paris Kitchen cooking with Rachel khoo
Making quiche Lorraine)
1)what ingredients do you need to make dough for quiche Lorraine?
☆90grams of soft unsalted butter
☆A teaspoon of sugar.
☆A pinch of salt
☆180 grams of plain flour .
☆2 egg yolks.
☆A cup tablespoon of cold water
2)How long do you leave dough in the refrigerator?
2 hours 30 minutes.
3)What do you need to coat dough in a tin?
Paste straight?
4)To make quiche Lorraine,you need 3 ingredients.
1)4 Eggs and2egg yolks 2)50grams of Bacon
3) 300 ml of cream. 4)salt and pepper
5)How long do you put the quiche Lorraine in the oven for?
What is the temperature?
Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 °.
6)Have you made something new or tried a new recipe?
If so,what did you make?
I pickled 2kg of radish a week ago.