


2009-06-01 | よしなしごと


(2009年05月22日 16:55 AFP BB News)

バグダッド南部のマハムディヤ(Mahmudiyah)で2006年3月に駐留米軍兵士がイラク人の少女を暴行し、少女を含む家族4人を殺害した事件で、米ケンタッキー(Kentucky)州の連邦裁判所の陪審員団は21日、事件の首謀者である元米国陸軍兵卒スティーブン・グリーン(Steven Green)被告に対し、無期懲役の有罪評決を言い渡した。これにより、同被告は死刑を逃れることになる。  






(2007年08月05日 17:31 AFP BB News)

駐留米軍兵士がイラク人の少女を暴行し、少女を含む家族4人を殺害した事件で、ケンタッキー(Kentucky)州フォートキャンベル(Fort Campbell)で開かれていた軍法会議は4日、ジェシー・スピルマン(Jesse Spielman)被告に、仮釈放の可能性のある禁固110年の有罪判決を下した。  

ポール・コルテス(Paul Cortez)軍曹とジェームズ・ベイカー(James Barker)技術兵は、今年すでに有罪を認めておりそれぞれ禁固100年、禁固90年の刑を受けている。  

見張り役を務めたとされるブライアン・ハワード(Bryan Howard)被告は、従犯と司法妨害ほう助の罪で禁固2年3か月の有罪判決を受けた。

事件の首謀者である元米国陸軍兵卒スティーブン・グリーン(Steven Green)被告は除隊されているため、軍法会議ではなくケンタッキー州の連邦裁判所で裁かれる。

この結果が今回の評決です。 僕が見たのはCNN
Jurors can't reach decision, ex-soldier gets life without parole
(May 21, 2009 CNN) 

Jurors on Thursday told a judge they could not reach a decision on whether a former U.S. soldier should be sentenced to death for war crimes -- including rape and murder -- he committed in Iraq.  

The lack of a unanimous decision means Steven Green will be sentenced to life in prison without parole, according to instructions given to jurors as they began deliberations on the sentence Wednesday.  



Iraqi official says trial that spared ex-U.S. soldier's life 'unjust'
(May 22, 2009 CNN) 

An Iraqi official condemned Friday the decision by a U.S. jury not to sentence a U.S. soldier to death.  

"He raped a girl and killed an entire family, and he got only life in prison. ... This is an unjust trial," said Mustafa Kamel Shabib al-Jabouri, leader of the Awakening Council in Yusufiya. "We demand a new trial."  

During Green's trial, relatives of the murder victims gave gripping testimony about how the crimes still haunt them. Some family members said their lives have been ruined and it would have been better if they'd also been killed.  


"America does not kill its broken warriors," federal defender Scott Wendelsdorf, his voice choked with emotion, told the jury Wednesday at the U.S. District Court in Kentucky.  Executing Green, Wendelsdorf said, would let the military "off the hook" and send the message that his superiors bear no responsibility for sending Green into combat, knowing he'd been traumatized by the deaths of several respected unit leaders.  


Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Skaret said the soldiers in Green's unit who died honorably "would be rolling over in their graves" if they knew their deaths were being used to explain why Green went on the murder rampage.  Skaret said that before the killings, Green and his four co-conspirators were talking about "sex" and "screwing Iraqi chicks" rather than avenging their colleagues' deaths.  





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