入間県はすぐに熊谷県、埼玉県と変わったため、県庁は移転し、本丸御殿は「入間郡公会所」として利用され、大正7年(1918)、「専売局淀橋専売支局川越分工場」として煙草工場になりました。昭和8年(1933) には「初雁武徳殿」として武道場になり、戦後は市立第二中学校(現川越市立初雁中学校)の仮校舎·屋内運動場として使われ、その後は再び武道場になります。
昭和42年(1967)には、 大規模な修理工事を実施し、屋根の修理や間取りの復元を行い、現在のような公開施設になりました。
Honmaru Goten after the Meiji Period
In the Meiji period (1868-1912), the castle ceased to function as a castle and many of its buildings, including the Honmaru Goten, were moved or dismantled. In 1871, when Iruma Prefecture was established following Kawagoe Prefecture due to the abolition of feudal domains, the prefectural government was established in Kawagoe, and the entrance and hall of the Honmaru Goten were used as its government building.
At this time, an addition was built on the southwest side of the hall, which is thought to have been constructed by reusing materials from the "Daishoin" and other buildings on the south side.
As Iruma Prefecture soon changed to Kumagaya Prefecture and then to Saitama Prefecture, the prefectural office was relocated, and the Honmaru Goten was used as the "Iruma County Public Hall," and in 1918 (Taisho 7), it became a tobacco factory as the "Yodobashi Senbai Branch Kawagoe Plant of the Senbai Bureau. In 1933 (Showa 8), it was used as "Hatsugan Butokuden," a martial arts hall, and after the war, it was used as a temporary school building and indoor playground for the Kawagoe Municipal Second Middle School (currently Kawagoe Municipal Hatsugan Middle School), and then again as a martial arts hall.
In 1967, a large-scale repair work was carried out, and the roof was repaired and the floor plan was restored, making it the public facility it is today.