

2023年04月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
福沢諭吉著「新訂 福翁自伝」(富田正文校訂、岩波文庫、2011年2月4日、第60刷発行)を楽しく読んでいます。

I am enjoying reading Yukichi Fukuzawa's "Newly Revised Fukuo Autobiography" (edited by Masafumi Tomita, Iwanami Bunko, 60th edition published on February 4, 2011).
The chapter "From Alcohol Abstinence to Smoking" on pages 91-93 of this book is very interesting, so I will quote it in its entirety.
Until a few years ago, Keio University was very tolerant regarding smoking. There were many smoking areas and it was very comfortable for smokers. After reading this book, I felt like I understood why.

Also, I lost a lot of my life because of alcohol, and the damage still haunts me to this day.While I was studying at Ogata's cram school, there were few good things about drinking Tokazu sake. Nor.
Thinking that this was something that could not be helped, I decided to stop drinking as if I had made a conscious decision to do so.
Then, the whole school laughed out loud and said, 'Yaa Fukuzawa has stopped drinking since yesterday. That's funny, that's funny. How long will it last? I can't last ten days. I'm sure he'll stop drinking for three days and start drinking tomorrow." Many people are cruel to me, but when I was patient and didn't drink for 10 or 15 days, my best friend Junmasu Takahashi said to me, "I appreciate your patience. However, when it comes to human habits, it is not a good idea to suddenly prohibit them, even if they are bad.It is simply impossible.When you finally decide to stop drinking, start smoking instead of drinking. It won't happen without fun," he says kindly.
However, I hate cigarettes, and have often criticized fellow students who smoked, saying, "This is pointless, ill-healthy, and I don't understand why people smoke things they don't understand. Aside from that, it's smelly and dirty, and I can't stand it. You won't tolerate it when I'm around you." He used to say things like, "No, I don't want you to drink," so I thought it would be embarrassing for me to start smoking now. , it's not unreasonable if you listen to Takahashi's theory.
When I said, "Let's give it a try," people at the cram school gave me cigarettes, lent me their pipes, and some went out of their way to buy cigarettes, saying they were very light. There is also.
There's nothing really serious about all this noise.
In fact, since I usually say bad things about cigarettes, I know that he's going to come over and make fun of me, telling him to turn him into a smoker.
However, since these people are so passionate about quitting drinking, they forced themselves to blow the disgusting smoke, and as they got used to it for 10 or 15 days, the smelly and spicy food became naturally no longer smelly or spicy. The flavor has improved.
After about a month, I became a real smoker.
However, let's talk about sake. I'll never forget it no matter what.
Even though I know it's cowardly, I can't help but try it one inch and one cup at a time.
Moo Sakazuki, even if you insist that this is the end, when you shake the sake bottle and it makes a noise, you can't resist.
In the end, I drank all three cups of sake, and the next day I drank five more.
Even if we try to go back to the traditional five-go-three-go street and say farewell to cigarettes, we can't do it, and it's ridiculous and inexplicable.
My desire to stop drinking never came true, and after a month of stupidity, I ended up drinking, smoking, and using two swords, and now I'm over 60 years old.
Up until this year, when I was 20 years old, I had naturally stopped drinking alcohol, but I had not given up on smoking, and there was no excuse for it, saying that it was damage I had caused myself for the sake of hygiene.

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