金沢春友著『大仏次郎 付 水戸天狗党』の中で、社会主義者、マルクス著『資本論』(岩波文庫)の訳者、戦後最大の労働争議「三井三池闘争」を理論的に指導された向坂逸郎九州大学名誉教授をして、大仏次郎さんの『天皇の世紀』には次のように脱帽していました。
In Kanazawa Harutomo's book "Daisaragi Jiro and the Mito Tengu Party,"Sajisaka Itsuro, a socialist, translator of Marx's "Das Kapital" (Iwanami Bunko), and professor emeritus at Kyushu University who was the theoretical leader of the Mitsui-Miike Struggle, the largest labor dispute in Japan since the war, pays his hat off to Osapraragi Jiro's "The Century of the Emperor" as follows:

[Page 126]
I have been collecting materials with the intention of writing a history of the Meiji period when I turn 80, but when I read something like this by Osaragi-kun, I feel discouraged. If I write it, it will inevitably sound logical," he said.
Itsuro Sakiska was often criticized by the public as a dissident and a don of the Socialist Society, which was nestled in the General Council of Trade Unions and the Socialist Party. By the way, Itsuro Sakisaka and Harutomo Kanazawa look very similar in the photo.
[page 215]
In his works, if there was a mistake in fact, he always corrected it. Even in "Paris Burns," he made changes to every edition. When "Paris Burns" was first written, Mr. Itsuro Sakisaka said, "I read it. When I read that Marx's "Capitalism" had been published in London, I immediately wrote to inform him that Marx lived in London, but that "Capitalism" had been published in 1867 by a bookshop in Hamburg called Meissner. When the book was published, this was corrected," he said, impressed by Mr. Marx's conscience as a writer.