


2019-07-15 09:39:10 | 日記




 アメリカ時代、よく似た言葉を発した中国人の女性技官がいた。こちらは「何で結婚したら夫の姓に変えなきゃならないの、私は夫の所有物 property じゃないわ」と言ってのけたのだ。この点では中韓 vs 日米欧という図式ができるのが面白い。あっぱれな中国人技官は、居並ぶすべてのアメリカ人と日本人をひとまとめに挑発してのけたのである。



Vessel breakdown brought me…
                                                             2019 July 4th 
   Today the 7:35 ferry sailing from Stanley Bay to Auckland, which I take to get to school was cancelled due to a vessel breakdown.   I learned of this just before departure time.  My only choice was to go to Devonport to take an alternative ferry to Auckland.  To make sure of this, I asked other passengers around me and so we decided to head for Devonport.  Fortunately, one man, who was going in our direction, offered another young lady and me a ride to Devonport.  I was so happy because I was facing the prospect of a twenty-minute walk in the wind and the rain as well as a late arrival at school.
   On our way to the Devonport ferry, the man, who was the driver and another lady who came from UK ten months ago, talked about, rather complained the other two men who had left the wharf before the announcement of the cancellation.  One issue was, how they knew about it in advance, and the other was how they could walk off without telling the remaining passengers, including us.  We also learned that this was this driver’s second trip to Devonport this morning.  Actually, he had dropped off his wife there before coming to Stanley Bay since it was easier to find a park in the latter.
  What happened was this driver kindly dropped us before he looked for a car park in Devonport so that both of us could catch the 7:45 ferry.  We really wanted him to be on the same one, but he didn’t seem to be on board with us.
He had gone out of his way to help us; for me, to reach school on time !
   What a nice person he was, and I really think “This Is New Zealand I’d imagined about !!”