
『世界共和国へ』 (その3)

2016年10月30日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)
<社会構成体> <交換様式>
1 氏族的 互酬
2 アジア的   2〜4 略奪―再分配
3 古典古代的
4 封建的
5 資本主義的  商品交換


(ken) 33ページの「社会構成体と交換様式」も本書全体にわたって登場する概念です。また、自分(両親や祖父母)が育った時代背景を理解する上で、たとえば、私の場合には「1 氏族的 互酬」が根強く残ったエリアで生まれ育ち、小中学生の時期に急激な「5 資本主義的  商品交換」の荒波に出会った、ということがよく理解できました。
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2016年10月30日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)



【母(非行少年の悔悟】 松口月城作

 ふるさとの 栗もくるみもうれたれば

非行の少年 囹圄(れいご)に泣く
無限の悔恨(かいこん) 思い 窮(きわ)まらんと 浴す
ああ吾(われ)過(あやま)てり 吾(われ)過(あやま)てり
終夜(しゅうや)眠(ねむ)らず 独房(どくぼう)の中(うち)

頭(こうべ)を 上げては 母を思い 枕に伏しても母
慈顔(じがん) 仏の如く 我が 瞳に浮かぶ


海嶽(かいがく)の 恩愛 今 始めて識(し)る
一輪の 寒月(かんげつ) 獄窓(ごくそう)を照らす

Now, at the end of the year in Shigin, there is a "Utai Osame" which can be called a year-end party-like event. (By the way, the child in the picture is not a flying boy.)

Usually I recite a 4-line poem, but this year I decided to recite an 8-line poem (with waka poems). And I had a light drink before last week's shigin class and accompanied the students as they dozed off and tried to sober up by reciting "Mother" for the first time.

I managed to finish the 7-minute poem twice, which may have been a reckless challenge, but it is my very favorite subject, so I would like to practice hard for the final recitation on stage.

Mother (Repentance of a juvenile delinquent) by Matsukuchi Getsujyo.

 If only I could have chestnuts and walnuts in my hometown
 When I think of you, my mother's letter comes 
 I want to call out to you
 to the glass door that I cannot call
 I blew on it and wrote 'Mother'.

A juvenile delinquent, weeping for his wisdom 
I bathe in endless regret
Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
All night long I sleep in my cell

When I lift up my head, I think of my mother, and when I lie down on my pillow, I still think of her.
Her face like a Buddha in my eyes

 Even so
 I who cannot grieve
 My mother's hair grows gray day by day

I know for the first time the love I owe to Kaitake
A single cold moon illuminates the prison window

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