During Sengoku piriod,Oda Nobunaga was busy aiming his sights
toward uniting Japan.One of his conquests was Tottori Castle.
Mori Terumoto's main fortress.Nobunaga sent Hashiba Hideyoshi
to mount an attack on Tottori Casle in June 1580.
Yamana Toyokuni,the lord of Tottori,surrendered to Hideyoshi
without general agreement.
When Toyokuni left,Kikkawa Tsuneie took his place to continue
the battle against Hideyoshi in March 1581. Once Tsunaie took
power,he realized that the situation was grave and without
resolve.Hideyoshi had established a "net" to intercept any
supply ship comming to Tottori Castle.As the days went by,the
people of Tottori were starving and suffering horrible deaths.
Seeing what was happening to the people,Tsunaie was forced to
surrender himself.Tsunaie asked to Hideyoshi to save the people
and commited ritual suicide(Harakiri)the very next day.
Tsunaie left a note saying that he felt very honered with this