5月31日のテレ東「カンブリア宮殿」には、「競合相手はセブンイレブン」と言い切り、今やドンキホーテとともに、食品スーパーの脅威になるほどの勢いに乗り、「社員の多くが薬剤師さん」という強みを発揮し、急成長している「ウェルシア (WelCia)」の池野隆光会長が登場しました。
On TV Tokyo's "Cambrian Palace" on May 31st, he declared that "our competitor is 7-Eleven," and now, along with Don Quijote, the company has gained momentum to the point where it is a threat to food supermarkets, and is demonstrating its strength in that "many of its employees are pharmacists." Takamitsu Ikeno, chairman of the rapidly growing WelCia, made an appearance.
Over the years, I have studied a lot on my own about management strategy, company principles, and human resource (recently called`"human assets") development.
I was glued to broadcasting, and never before had the management strategy of a Japanese company made so much sense to me.
In particular, I was impressed not only by the key points of M&A (avoiding the problems of large companies by adapting to small businesses), but also by the management's consideration of the feelings of employees, including part-timers.
In addition, the company's principles are expressed in a simple manner, such as matching study and work, contributing to the community, responding to the declining birthrate and aging population, and prioritizing becoming a good company over shareholder returns.
[Win without fighting (without competing) by differentiating (doing what other companies cannot do) (remaining a good company)]
I felt a strong will to refine the.