イザベラ・バードの『イザベラ・バードの日本紀行』(時岡敬子訳、上・下巻、講談社学術文庫、2008年。原本 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan: An Account of Travels on Horseback in the Interior, 2 vols. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1880 には、別訳として平凡社東洋文庫版『日本奥地紀行』旧・新訳がある)を授業で取り上げたのは、昨日の記事で言及した石川榮吉『欧米人の見た開国期日本』の中に彼女の観察記録も引用されているからだけでなく、彼女の『紀行』そのものが大変興味深い記録に満ちているからということもある。それに、この『紀行』に基づいた佐々大河の漫画『ふしぎの国のバード』(KADOKAWA、2015‐、現在第十巻まで刊行されている)がなかなかよくできていて、その仏訳版 Isabella Bird. Femme exploratrice, Ki-oon, coll. « kizuna »(日本語版とほぼ同じ造本で、現在第9巻まで刊行されている)があり、学生たちにもそれだけ興味をもってもらいやすいということもあった。
I am very fond of Japanese children. I have never yet heard a baby cry, and I have never seen a child troublesome or disobedient. Filial piety is the leading virtue in Japan, and unquestioning obedience is the habit of centuries. The arts and threats by which English mothers cajole or frighten children into unwilling obedience appear unknown. I admire the way in which children are taught to be independent in their amusements. Part of the home education is the learning of the rules of the different games, which are absolute, and when there is a doubt, instead of a quarrelsome suspension of the game, the fiat of a senior child decides the matter. They play by themselves, and don’t bother adults at every turn. I usually carry sweeties with me, and give them to the children, but not one has ever received them without first obtaining permission from the father or mother. When that is gained they smile and bow profoundly, and hand the sweeties to those present before eating any themselves.
I never saw people take so much delight in their offspring, carrying them about, or holding their hands in walking, watching and entering into their games, supplying them constantly with new toys, taking them to picnics and festivals, never being content to be without them, and treating other people's children also with a suitable measure of affection and attention. Both fathers and mothers take a pride in their children. It is most amusing about six every morning to see twelve or fourteen men sitting on a low wall, each with a child under two years in his arms, fondling and playing with it, and showing off its physique and intelligence. To judge from appearances, the children form the chief topic at this morning gathering.