

2024年09月13日 | 三田だより





Today(2024.9.4), I managed to successfully complete the general meeting of the alumni association as the secretary general!

After the meeting, we had a small get-together at "◯Ki" in the basement of the Tamachi Senpaku Building, where I enjoyed Kirin Ichiban Shibori draft beer and delicious food while drinking sake from Yamagata and Tochigi.

Since this is a once-a-year reunion, there was no way the party would end after the first meeting, so the after-party was at "Uoya no Tuna Shokudo" (Fish Restaurant in Tamachi).

Personally, I was concerned about the Hanshin Tigers yesterday, but they beat the Chunichi Dragons to close the gap at the top of the table. I am so happy!

As a citizen of Yokohama, I wish them the best of luck, although I turn around and see the Yokohama Bay Stars!

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