

2024年09月07日 | たばこの気持ち






When I see the abbreviation "PM", I think of Philip Morris, the world's number one cigarette manufacturer!
I was not aware of this, but during a recent stroll in Fujisawa, I learned that the term "pad-mount" exists!

In areas where utility poles have been converted to underground, they have installed pad-mount (transformers for above-ground use) to change the voltage that used to be provided by the poles.

Once I learned that, I found out that there was one in my neighborhood on Kamakura Street. 

Until now, I had only recognized it as a mere box-shaped installation, but I realized that it was a "replacement for utility poles! I now understand!

Fujisawa City was using the sides of these pad mounts to provide tourist information along the old highway. 
I was impressed by how well they used it!

Also, with the spread of cell phones, there are fewer phone booths nowadays, but there were still phone booths in Fujisawa that resembled wooden buildings!

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