

2024年09月27日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

Today, we are having a drink at the Chinese restaurant "Kissho" in Ginza Inns, drinking draft beer and lemon sour and eating delicious food. Tomorrow, in the afternoon, we plan to take a walk around Fujisawa-juku and then have a drink.

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THE TOBACCO 新設の喫煙所〈英訳付〉

2024年09月27日 | たばこの気持ち
通路の右手に、新しく「THE TOBACCO」という喫煙所ができていました



I went down to the underground passageway of the North Exit to go to the West Exit of Yokohama Station from Kanagawa Kenmin Center because it was hot!
On the right side of the passage, there was a new smoking area called "THE TOBACCO"!
I was curious about it, so my acquaintance and I stopped by for a smoke!

There was also a smoking area at "Mukan Yokohama" where I had the Udan Butter Egg Noodle. When you open the door from inside the restaurant, you will see a terrace, and to the right of the terrace was the smoking area!

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