白川先生が留学しているUniversity of Washington のラボを訪問しました。
スタバ1号店と最新のお店にも行けました(^ ^)。
We visited Vascular Imaging Laboratory, University of Washington where Dr. Shirakawa is now studying.
He presented his work regarding plaque protrusion analysis after carotid artery stenting using OCT.
It was a miraculously beautiful day though it is usually cloudy or rainy in this season.
We went the first and newest shops of Starbucks : )
スタバ1号店と最新のお店にも行けました(^ ^)。
We visited Vascular Imaging Laboratory, University of Washington where Dr. Shirakawa is now studying.
He presented his work regarding plaque protrusion analysis after carotid artery stenting using OCT.
It was a miraculously beautiful day though it is usually cloudy or rainy in this season.
We went the first and newest shops of Starbucks : )